You may be wondering...what the heck is a grow out of "THE UNNAMED"?
Well let me tell you a story...
It all started a long time ago, in a faraway land called Wisconsin. Adam was just a wee lad thinking..."what am I going to do when I grow up..." when a fair maiden came calling. Lost in his thoughts, Adam was a tricky guy to get on the phone, thus he missed her call and found ReefCentral. With this magical find, Adam fell in love with the allure of the SPS and overtime, BattleCorals was born. But here's the thing, with Adam's intrinsic care, his SPS began to get names. But some SPS were just too beautiful for Adam to name, so Adam sat and pondered. And pondered he did. Like Johnny Appleseed when the apple hit him in the head, Adam had a sudden thought as he hit his head on his Photons after cleaning out the tanks..."Lets have a All Stars grow out using one of these unnamed." The Ultimate All Star of the named All Stars would have the honor to name the grow out piece anything in their wildest dreams. Thus "THE UNNAMED" was born as it sadly has no name but eternal beauty. Perhaps in about a year, named it shall be. But for now, "THE UNNAMED" it is.
(The above is a completely fictional story. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons is purely coincidental.)
I got these new shipping cups that are black from brain at Tidal guard. they are actually pretty sweet.I can tell you it’s a coral
Not only that, but I can tell you it’s an SPS coral
I can also tell you it’s unnamed
I can tell you it’s almost as good looking as my wife but not quite as good looking your celebrity crush.
I can tell you if Adam picked it, you have to like it regardless cause that’s a new rule for the contest. No hurting Adam’s feelings lol
I can also tell you, don’t be confused if you ordered a BattleBox with this contest and it comes in looking like a “Freebie”. That’s likely the contest frag….hmm maybe we should make sure it’s labeled as the contest frag?
Anyway I’m rambling.
maybe ill ship the Allstars frags in those to avoid any possible confusion as to what's what