180g FOWLR Suggestions


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Hey all,

Just looking for some advice from people with FOWLR experience.

I have a 180g setup (I’m coming from the African cichlid world). I switched all of my equipment over and got 200lbs of rock and sand.

I’m not really interested in getting corals (unless it was something simple like GSP or Zoas). Which is part of why I’d like to do a Fowlr setup.

Anyways, I’m looking for ideas on how you experienced folks would stock it?
I’m looking to have it light-medium stocked with a couple larger fish. I’m really drawn to angels and triggers but from my understanding this really limits the CUC options.

What type of fish / cuc would you all suggest? What have you enjoyed having in your tank? What have you not liked / was more on the difficult side? Can you put GSP in with triggers and angels or will they get eaten to quickly?

I know this is a ton of questions, if you have input on any of them I’d love to hear!



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I would but butterflies in it, they are extremely beautiful but so so so personable. I like my angelfish too but a butterfly blows them away imo.


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I would but butterflies in it, they are extremely beautiful but so so so personable. I like my angelfish too but a butterfly blows them away imo.
Good to know! Butterflies are definitely on the list too


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As far as triggers, blue throat, crosshatch, and niger are popular in tanks with corals but may eat snails/shrimp.


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Hey all,

Just looking for some advice from people with FOWLR experience.

I have a 180g setup (I’m coming from the African cichlid world). I switched all of my equipment over and got 200lbs of rock and sand.

I’m not really interested in getting corals (unless it was something simple like GSP or Zoas). Which is part of why I’d like to do a Fowlr setup.

Anyways, I’m looking for ideas on how you experienced folks would stock it?
I’m looking to have it light-medium stocked with a couple larger fish. I’m really drawn to angels and triggers but from my understanding this really limits the CUC options.

What type of fish / cuc would you all suggest? What have you enjoyed having in your tank? What have you not liked / was more on the difficult side? Can you put GSP in with triggers and angels or will they get eaten to quickly?

I know this is a ton of questions, if you have input on any of them I’d love to hear!

Xenia I meant, not zoas**


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I have a 200 FOWLR sadly I lost my fish due to a wired dosed event.
any way its a angel and butterfly tank.

some BF are pretty hard to get to eat. so get the easy ones. if you go that way.
I had 4 dwarf angels that got along great. so mixing the smaller angels is an option but you want to add them as close as possible to each other.

I personally like more smaller fish than a few larger fish but both have there place.
you will find the SW fish require alot more space that FW fish. where you could stock your 180 with a lot of ciclids in SW you are going to have about 20-30% the amount of fish. so stock according.

180 is a great size to start off with & that gives you alot of options, you just gotta figure out of you the type that like puffers, triggers and large angels OR smaller fish like wrasses dwarf angels and butterflies.

I would watch some YT vids of FOWLR tanks and go through some build threads and get an idea of what you like.


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I have a 200 FOWLR sadly I lost my fish due to a wired dosed event.
any way its a angel and butterfly tank.

some BF are pretty hard to get to eat. so get the easy ones. if you go that way.
I had 4 dwarf angels that got along great. so mixing the smaller angels is an option but you want to add them as close as possible to each other.

I personally like more smaller fish than a few larger fish but both have there place.
you will find the SW fish require alot more space that FW fish. where you could stock your 180 with a lot of ciclids in SW you are going to have about 20-30% the amount of fish. so stock according.

180 is a great size to start off with & that gives you alot of options, you just gotta figure out of you the type that like puffers, triggers and large angels OR smaller fish like wrasses dwarf angels and butterflies.

I would watch some YT vids of FOWLR tanks and go through some build threads and get an idea of what you like.
Thanks for the info! I definitely like the fact that I won’t need to stock it like my cichlid tank, that was something I didn’t enjoy about keeping the African cichlids but was necessary to keep aggression down.
Been watching lots of YouTube videos, they definitely put me onto triggers


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^ I am no trigger expert maybe someone will chime in. I think they are messy & aggressive of course some more than others.
get your stocking list and post it I am sure you will get some good feed back.


crazy farm mom
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I think it'll depend on what you want to see if your tank in terms of color personally. I'm team butterfly since they are gorgeous! I agree with @Devaji though. Post a stocking list and I'll think you'll get some excellent feedback on it.


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So Puffers will not allow you to have a clean up crew. Lionfish are cool but you probably can't have shrimp. Picasso Triggers may move crabs around. More than Nigers. Most Triggers will move them. But other Triggers will kill them. The more docile Triggers are not much trouble. But in a predator tank you need extra filtration. Its not an option. I stay with fish that let me keep a clean up crew. Clean up crew is important in a predator tank. None of my Triggers kills crabs or snails. But certain ones do. I have had a Picasso Trigger pick off crabs. Also I had a Rainbow Wrasse that killed crabs. I keep eels, Triggers and Groupers. But you still need to study and see what will work. Temperament and size are factors to consider.
My Picasso Trigger would get a crab once in awhile but he would let the cleaner shrimp clean him. Dwarf Angels are good too. My large Niger trigger rules the tank. I have two Pinktails, a Black Indian Durgeon, and a small Niger also. I have a Snowflake Eel and a Barred Eel. And I have a Grasby Grouper and a Clown grouper. Plus a mean domino damsel. i have lots of crabs that do not get eaten. And I have snails.
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So Puffers will not allow you to have a clean up crew. Lionfish are cool but you probably can't have shrimp. Picasso Triggers may move crabs around. More than Nigers. Most Triggers will move them. But other Triggers will kill them. The more docile Triggers are not much trouble. But in a predator tank you need extra filtration. Its not an option. I stay with fish that let me keep a clean up crew. Clean up crew is important in a predator tank. None of my Triggers kills crabs or snails. But certain ones do. I have had a Picasso Trigger pick off crabs. Also I had a Rainbow Wrasse that killed crabs. I keep eels, Triggers and Groupers. But you still need to study and see what will work. Temperament and size are factors to consider.
My Picasso Trigger would get a crab once in awhile but he would let the cleaner shrimp clean him. Dwarf Angels are good too. My large Niger trigger rules the tank. I have two Pinktails, a Black Indian Durgeon, and a small Niger also. I have a Snowflake Eel and a Barred Eel. And I have a Grasby Grouper and a Clown grouper. Plus a mean domino damsel. i have lots of crabs that do not get eaten. And I have snails.
Awesome! Thanks for all the info. I’m surprised you can get away with groupers and eels in a tank and still have a good clean up crew. I’m going to have to do some research into them.
I definitely want a blue jaw or Niger trigger!


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I have a 240 gal FOWLR. I agree that Butterflies are a great addition, but I’d suggest that you add them early. At least before any large Angels go in. Let them establish their territory first.

I keep 6 large Angels in my FOWLR. They have incredible personality and color. I have a huge Porc Puffer but he gets pretty aggressive at meal time and loves to splash water out of the tank. I also have a Sargassum Trigger and a Harlequin Tusk that I’d recommend for any good sized FOWLR system.

Fish only tanks are underrated. Just to be anble to keep Angels and Butterflies alone is worth it.


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If you want a sometimes overlooked 'show fish,' my H. Singularis banner fish got huge!


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There’s no tank for me without an Angel or two. I am not a fan of any fish that’s like to outgrow the tank size you have.

Medium Angels:
-Majestic (Captive Bred)
-Gold Flake (Captive Bred) *
-Blue Line Angel (Captive Bred)
-Tiger Angel (Captive Bred) *
-Xanthurus Cream / Red Sea Cream Angelfish (Red Sea / Xanthotis available as Captive Bred from Poma Labs)
-Pair of Genicanthus (Swallowtail Angels)
-Singapore Angel
-Bandit Angel (if ever available again, wait for a Captive Bred one) *
-Flagfin Angel
-Conspicuous Angel (Captive Bred) *
-Regal Angel (get either captive bred, Fiji, Indian Ocean / Maldives or Red Sea, Indo-Pacific ones have questionable survival rates)

*= Expensive.

IMO these are the larger Angels that would do well in a 180. Basically you want to be looking at Apolemichthys, Genicanthus, some Chaetodontoplus (don’t get the Scribbled, those can get larger from what I seen), Majestic is your best option out of Pomacanthus, and Regal. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a large and more aggressive Holacanthus in a 180. Or big Pomacanthus.

Any Centropyge or dwarf angel, or a combination can go into a 180. You have two routes: 1 each of different species, or a pair / trio of a single species. Personally I’m somewhat partial to a pair or trio of a single species. Since this is a FOWLR, something like a Lemonpeel (get Captive Bred), Bicolor, or Eibli (get Captive Bred) would be a safer bet. Of course, your Coral Beauty, Flame, Flameback, Cherub and a few others do equally well in reefs and FOWLRs. I believe Coral Beauties and sometimes Flamebacks are available Captive Bred, Biota has released Captive Bred Flames before but they don’t have a stable supply yet as the breeding protocol is more complex.

Butterflies. Avoid the more difficult ones. I’m not as knowledgeable on them (although they’re among my favorite fish), but I’d exercise caution with something like a Copperband or anything that has a hard time getting them to feed. Also, I agree with others that you get them in before larger and more aggressive Angels or Tangs. Make sure they are established before lots of new additions.

Tangs, I wouldn’t put a bigger or very active one in a 180. That means, no Achilles (they’re also known for their aggression and difficulty with disease) and a Blue Hippo Tang I consider 180 to be borderline. Some outgrow a 180, others seem fine. I wouldn’t have any of the Sailfin Tangs in a 180 either although others have had theirs in a 180 for an extended amount of time.

Captive Bred Yellow / Purple Tang, Scopas, Gem (more expensive), Black Longnose (IF you’re into that look), Lemonpeel or any of the Mimic Tangs, Convict, any of the Bristletooths (Chevron Tang is not available), Lavender, Japonicus, Powder Brown (maybe Blue as well) and a few others would be your choices for a 180.

Or maybe with Angels and Butterflies you might not want Tangs at all. That’s also fine. They’re a staple but not everyone’s cup of tea.

What about some smaller fishes? Just about any will fit in a 180. Basslets, Gobies, Blennies, Hawkfish, some better-behaved Damsels, smaller fish add color and movement as well. Hawkfish are more of a risk to inverts, if that’s a factor for you.

I don’t know if this would be a risk to other fish, or if it can go in a 180 for life, but I’d be tempted to get a captive bred Harlequin Tusk if it’s available.

Also, as an alternative to Tangs, you can consider a Rabbitfish or Foxface.

I’m laying out the choices for you, this isn’t meant to be definitive.

Look into captive bred from Biota and the other breeders they work with as a distributor. Poma Labs, whatever medium or larger Angels they are producing currently.
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I have a 240 gal FOWLR. I agree that Butterflies are a great addition, but I’d suggest that you add them early. At least before any large Angels go in. Let them establish their territory first.

I keep 6 large Angels in my FOWLR. They have incredible personality and color. I have a huge Porc Puffer but he gets pretty aggressive at meal time and loves to splash water out of the tank. I also have a Sargassum Trigger and a Harlequin Tusk that I’d recommend for any good sized FOWLR system.

Fish only tanks are underrated. Just to be anble to keep Angels and Butterflies alone is worth it.
Sounds like an incredible setup! What kind of angels and butterflies do you have?

Currently have my tank filled and cycling, getting really excited to add some fish!


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Sounds like an incredible setup! What kind of angels and butterflies do you have?

Currently have my tank filled and cycling, getting really excited to add some fish!
I have a Queen, French, Majestic, Maculosus, Annularis and Asfur Angels. They mostly get along, but the Queen and Annularis tend to be bullies at times. The Majestic is by far the most docile. The French is the biggest and everyone pretty much leaves him alone.

The only Butterflies I have are a Golden Semilarvatus in my FOWLR and a Yellow Pyramid in my reef. Both are pretty easy to keep once established, but most Butterflies can be tough to get eating.

I love my FOWLR and it’s pretty low maintenance, but taking care of 2 big systems is a lot. I do think they’re very underrated though, and I’m always happy when I hear that someone is setting one up. Good luck with yours.

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