Nope! If there's food they'll stay. Mine mostly transitioned to the backside/underside of rocks and the sump. They're just harder to see/find. Great, I dose phyto 3 times a week! I'll do more when I start to add sponges and larger dusters.
Hello everyone, So a little brief introduction. I've only had freshwater aquariums on and off since I was a child with the last tank about 25 years ago. About 3 months ago, I got inspired again to start an aquarium from watching a YouTube video on cichlids. I started to research into it and...
I'm thinking of getting a BTA and I get that it will move to where it is comfortable. I have been staring at my tank and thinking where I should try to add the BTA. I am thinking the bottom corner behind the other rocks might be a good place where it blocks some flow. I'll be adding some more...
I love acros and flow, and am partial to NSA rockscape. I like how the Ecoscape strikes the balance between looking natural while allowing for plenty of space for fish, flow, corals, etc.
Official entry: I was actually looking at my tank the other day thinking I need more rocks that have height and then I saw this today, which is what I like about the series - tall rocks.