So I’ve had this 35 gallon saltwater tank for over 2.5 years and I’ve had major issues of aggression between my fish, especially when I had my pair of clownfish who I ended up rehoming. In the past few months I got a Midas blenny, 6 Blue-green chromis, a fire shrimp, and I’ve had a watchman goby for the past 2 years who bonded with a pistol shrimp 1 year ago. I feed three times a day and sometimes even more by spot feeding some frozen food. The Chromis fish were slowly picked off until I had 2 left as of last week. I went on vacation and both of the fish were gone and my watchman goby was no where to be found. I woke up this morning to my electric blue hermit eating the dead Midas blenny. So now I have no fish in my tank and I’ve never experienced anything like this since being in the hobby for over 5 years now. I have lots of different hermits, different snails, bristle worms, spaghetti worms, and as of recent I found 2-3 rather suspicious “bristle worms” in the back of my tank (it has the body of a bristle worm but its hairs are 3 times as long and go from red at the base to white tips *see the attached picture*). I have lots of hiding spots for fish and plenty of rock/ coral to swim through and around. I’ve tested my water parameters and everything is within normal ranges. What could be happening?? Are the scavengers of the tank attacking my fish at night? Are my shrimp killing my fish? Any ideas as to what might be going on and what I should do next? I got into this hobby for the fish and I can’t see myself having a salt water aquarium without fish. I feel like I’ve tried a variety of fish but somehow one of my “peaceful” fish end up becoming aggressive and bullies all the other fish.