60G Cube - I can do this cheaply, right? AKA the Mars Mission


Village Idiot
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WARNING: Don't do anything you see in this thread—it was all a horrible mistake based on a tiny event.

My daughter found a turtle—not just any turtle, a random, very young baby turtle—now named Bob Ross, as it's a typical wild-painted turtle that she thought was a shiny rock. On finding the turtle, the argument broke out - can we keep it... Being a foolish old man, I walked away, having been down this road myself, having kept aquariums from a very young age...and having been out of the hobby for almost 18 years... Of course, I dug out an old 10-gallon tank (don't ask why I still had a 10-gallon tank.. or a 250-gallon rubber-made water trough still being lugged around... or a ....) and yielded to my daughter - for that's what foolish old men do. Well, that little turtle... quickly outgrew that 10-gallon tank. So I found myself in my local aquarium center (LifeAquatic), getting a 30-gallon breeder to house Bob Ross. But of course, being a foolish old man with two daughters in tow ... now surrounded by reef tanks, bright fish...and the yearning look of my children for... can we dad....I went OK - and impulse bought a tank; why not? I still have a bunch of stuff, and I can reuse the equipment from the days of yore.

Tanks stand, and a small sump was ordered—a reef octopus skimmer that would sit in the sump also got ordered. Of course, I didn't need any flow pumps. I had my old tunz from my prior 360-gallon system. No, I don't need a return pump; I've got this great Pan World pump still. Lights - no, I think I have that covered; I've got 2 *forgot the brand* HQI halide bulbs and fixtures that will be MORE than enough to deal with a 60-gallon reef. (Yes, I lugged all this stuff around from an apartment to our house in Maryland, then somehow to Connecticut...Yes, I would restart the hobby; the time just had to be right...)

When we get home with the 30 breeder, the wife raises an eyebrow and asks where we are going to put it. Of course, on the old desk, dear. It's only going to have a few inches of water, so it won't be a big deal. No sooner was that settled than my daughters ratted me out about my impulse purchase.

The wife's immediate comment was, "Oh, did you know?" Am I going to be living in the National Aquarium's basement like your old apartment? Did you think this through? How much is this going to cost? Not much, dear. After all, it's just the tank and stand and a few things. Did you think about how much energy this thing will take - it's not cheap here in Connecticut. "I won't be paying the increased electric bill she states!" - Don't worry, it shouldn't be that bad... I start looking at the energy draw on my old equipment... gulp. Ok, dear. Maybe I need to get some different equipment.

The Mars Mission begins May 15th 2024:

Evolved to the current day—rather than fighting about the electric bill, the tank is entirely solar-powered (yes, solar-powered in New England...). According to my friends and co-workers, it has enough technology to make a NASA mission to Mars possible, is fully capable of surviving a prolonged outage or my absence for a relatively long time, and accounts for all prior experienced system failures, and is continuing to evolve for all the new ways I am messing everything up. Oh yeah, and the budget overruns belong in the NASA category. Thankfully, I'm employed as the village idiot.

Dinner tonight, day 162 of the Mars mission :


Maybe I'll be able to provide updates and the journey later if my wife doesn't push me out of the airlock... and if anyone is interested.



Crusty Old Salt
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Have you tried the arguement, it's a small investment in showing your daughters (and future grandchildren?) the wonders and beauty of nature?


Village Idiot
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Have you tried the arguement, it's a small investment in showing your daughters (and future grandchildren?) the wonders and beauty of nature?
Actually, sort of. My 13-year-old does the tank testing —it's a math and science education expense... That got me hauled before the education committee...


Village Idiot
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I don't think anyone will read this thread, but I may as well catalog my stupid mistakes for posterity's sake.

So, about mistake number 1, as I was not tossed out the airlock last night.

I tried to go cheap; we all know how that goes; well, I took the tank recommendation and upgraded the stand a little bit. But along the way, I got talked into trying to fit the equipment under the stand in a sump so it was all nice and tidy (Oh, just for the record, there is nothing lovely or tidy about my tank right now... it's stuck somewhere in a triangle of hoarder, steampunk, cyborg invasion think the grabby monsters in the matrix). So the root cause of all that wonderful joy was the suggested and ordered sump. As seen below


Well, let me tell you, it seemed like a good idea at the time—it's not the first time those words have been spoken...

This sump, while it fits under my stand, has neither the volume nor the space to actually fit under the stand with the way the stand and the drain ports on my cube line up. Nor did this sump have the ability to accommodate my duel return pump concept (which had me drilling holes in the side of it to send the water to my Panworld pump should the nice new DC Varios4 pump fail... which is an excellent pump for energy efficiency...). Another fun fact about it and my stand. Once it was installed, I could not and did not try to fit the skimmer in the chamber, as I after the fact realized now that I had it plumbed into the returns said skimmer would not fit in and out of the sump without undoing the entire sump and pulling it out.

Case and point:


Does anyone need a 110-s Reef Octo skimmer (@Tinnerito)...

But the injury and insult from this sump don't stop there. It's got this excellent 4-inch sock with an anti-bubble chamber. Y'all look at that sump—nice and clean, fits under the stand, and yet the moment the sock gets clogged, the design of it spills water EVERYWHERE!

This leads to modification number 2 to this beautiful sump, as its design was deficient in handling a 2.5x flow of a 60-gallon cube.


Thank God this tank is in the basement; otherwise, the wife would have spaced me out long ago for the flood.

I suppose I should be thankful for this sump - after all, it's why I Joined R2R. I needed to consult about the solution I had ordered to fix this little nightmare.


delema .jpeg

Gosh, I hope Ron Reefman was right. Otherwise, I'll be starting a new tank again. I washed it out, and I've had it running for a week independently with rodi water pumped through a media reactor with carbon and poly filter.


As you can see, I have an insane obsession with putting unions everywhere, as can be told by this recycled PVC piece. It does give the whole thing a weird steampunk feel, though.

So, on day 163 of the Mars mission, Reroute returned to the new sump from the tank and prayed that the mission control was right about the poison.

Maybe I'll write again... if the crew doesn't space me.
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Village Idiot
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Actually, sort of. My 13-year-old does the tank testing —it's a math and science education expense... That got me hauled before the education committee...
Mission update - Lab results in:

I guess I'm going to have to dose more Nitrate again... Which most people would not believe... considering...
Day 163 Mars Mission: Dinner

image0 (2).jpeg
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Village Idiot
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I’ve enjoyed this read very much . Looking forward to more progress!
The update may be a bit - as the honey-do list suddenly got long (including fixing a dishwasher, leaves, and cleaning up the fire from my daughter's attempt at cooking. Not only did she burn the bacon, but she set fire to a pan full of oil while I was working on the plumbing last night)


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The update may be a bit - as the honey-do list suddenly got long (including fixing a dishwasher, leaves, and cleaning up the fire from my daughter's attempt at cooking. Not only did she burn the bacon, but she set fire to a pan full of oil while I was working on the plumbing last night)
Omg! Hope everything and everyone’s alright! Yeah the honey do list is priority. I find the more I do what she wants…the easier it is for me to enjoy the hobby


Village Idiot
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What is your fish stock list?
Currently (and I say currently cause there already were tragic losses and two random vanishing in the crew):
1. Sailfin Tang (My prior one long ago was my buddy, and he's the only fish I picked for the tank) Edit: Before someone flames me for putting a sailfin tang in a 60-gallon tank, I have agreements to rehome it if I don't acquire a bigger tank down the road (Laugh, yes, I've already started looking into a custom tank, thinking six by six square two feet tall).
2. Pair of mated clowns - who are constantly annoying my duncans (their anemone decided it wanted to move.. and while I have netting over all my pumps - it did end up getting a severe "hair" cut - it's not dead, it's doing fine now, but it's in the waiting room (Hospital tank sorta thing with live rock that gets fed from the display)
3. Dusty Jawfish - This was my youngest pick for a fish and was a not-too-long-ago addition. They are apparently hard to get a hold of, so I got lucky - I was advised it may take a few years to get one.
4. Flame Hawkfish (cause why not? I needed another psychotic stalker in the tank)
5. Two of the dumbest redshirts ever - Banggai cardinalfish
6. Linear Blenny Edit: *This guy was picked as Also cute by my youngest daughter, and we didn't anticipate getting the jawfish so soon*

Died in action:
Flame Angelfish (Him and his whole cohort went up... I instantly went to the store after watching the rate of decline and screamed bloody murder going this fish was caught with cyanide (All hands where lost with that harvest batch) EDIT: (randy is a great guy) - I was ***** ticked to find out after all these years this horrible practice was still going on.

MIA: They where there and fine, and now they are no where to be found.
Orchid dottyback
Red Fire Goby

The investigation is still ongoing - but I suspect the crabs did it.
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Village Idiot
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Mission Log Day 164:
The science officer has yet to report lab results.
Due to trouble in the galley, I have yet to make it to engineering to work on the pipes.
All Officers are accounted for still ;)
There seems to be some trouble with the enlisted; the snails seem to be fraternizing at a rather insane pace.
The 2 Emerald crabs have yet to show their faces today - no doubt causing more trouble...
The hermit crabs seem to be on a murderous mutiny against their fellows and the snails ~ SITUATION NORMAL AFU

The ancient enemy is still at war with the SPS in the tank, and the doctor has had to perform a few amputations and iodine dips—evil STN. (And before someone says something, the science officer reported ammonia at zero - it's not zero. It's just very low, and the test is inaccurate as hell; the magic black box is reporting phosphates in the parts per 10 million scale right now. Nitrates have been added to the system; all other parameters get double-checked weekly vs what the hydros are reporting for ALK and salinity)... I may have to sacrifice a few of them to a friend at NYU to try and dissect what the agent is acting on them, not that anyone has found anything conclusive in the last 20 years...

On the plus side, there was an energy surplus today so not having rerouted the engineering yet didn't cost a fortune.


The crew seems happy enough (Not pictured Dusty - he'll pounce out later):

Dinner day 164:

Maybe i'll make it down to engineering tonight...Then again, I may be spaced for not finnishing the honey do list...


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Currently (and I say currently cause there already were tragic losses and two random vanishing in the crew):
1. Sailfin Tang (My prior one long ago was my buddy, and he's the only fish I picked for the tank) Edit: Before someone flames me for putting a sailfin tang in a 60-gallon tank, I have agreements to rehome it if I don't acquire a bigger tank down the road (Laugh, yes, I've already started looking into a custom tank, thinking six by six square two feet tall).
2. Pair of mated clowns - who are constantly annoying my duncans (their anemone decided it wanted to move.. and while I have netting over all my pumps - it did end up getting a severe "hair" cut - it's not dead, it's doing fine now, but it's in the waiting room (Hospital tank sorta thing with live rock that gets fed from the display)
3. Dusty Jawfish - This was my youngest pick for a fish and was a not-too-long-ago addition. They are apparently hard to get a hold of, so I got lucky - I was advised it may take a few years to get one.
4. Flame Hawkfish (cause why not? I needed another psychotic stalker in the tank)
5. Two of the dumbest redshirts ever - Banggai cardinalfish
6. Linear Blenny Edit: *This guy was picked as Also cute by my youngest daughter, and we didn't anticipate getting the jawfish so soon*

Died in action:
Flame Angelfish (Him and his whole cohort went up... I instantly went to the store after watching the rate of decline and screamed bloody murder going this fish was caught with cyanide (All hands where lost with that harvest batch) EDIT: (randy is a great guy) - I was ***** ticked to find out after all these years this horrible practice was still going on.

MIA: They where there and fine, and now they are no where to be found.
Orchid dottyback
Red Fire Goby

The investigation is still ongoing - but I suspect the crabs did it.
People roast to much with the tangs. I see nothing wrong if they need to be rehomed down the road or plans for tank upgrade


Village Idiot
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The science officer finally reported in:

Down 60 ppm of Mag. It's incredible how fast it's being consumed. I will be happy when the maven shows up, and I can integrate the dosing. 1.2ML of ESV Mag every 4 hours is not keeping up with the demands.


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This thread is great. The Mars mission context makes every post entertaining. Following now. I came here from you post on innovation and I’m hoping you show off salt mixing setup a bit more. Maybe show exactly how you have your hacked salinity probe working with the hydros.


Village Idiot
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This thread is great. The Mars mission context makes every post entertaining. Following now. I came here from you post on innovation and I’m hoping you show off salt mixing setup a bit more. Maybe show exactly how you have your hacked salinity probe working with the hydros.
Thanks - and hopefully you won’t have to…I kinda sent that over to @Connor At CoralVue …..

The lower decks are still recovering …from the chaos…(the tank is in the basement, and a few weeks back we had record breaking rains back to back - the whole place flooded..)

Also it's a royal pain in the **** - here's a Hint why:
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Village Idiot
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Great read! Sounds like there is a lot of life on Mars! Any little green men?
Don’t know yet what waits on mars - we have yet to really get off the ground. I am still procrastinating on fixing problem 1. Though i have finally started - I must admit I am a bit afraid. Toxic stickers and the whole filtration system has to be shut down to do the cut over.

Well first part begins:

Anyone wanna take bets on if the solvent fumes or the air lock gets me first?


Village Idiot
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Out of body experience:

One of the reasons why I joke about this being a mars mission. Is the little assembly of plumbing pictured above now costs about 50 bucks. Things have gotten so unbelievably astronomically expensive.

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