75 Gallon Reef Tank Build (My First Reef Tank)

John Robbins

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Jul 3, 2019
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Ive tried all the suggestions and nothings worked. I have gotten it so that the primary drain pulls a pull siphon and water level is as high as possible. The weir is still continuing to make a waterfall sound and its driving me crazy. Im thinking about add enkamat but am not too sure about it. Any suggestions?

Im not sure where you mean to say you are going to put something like enkamat. If you do decide to use it, be careful not to put it somewhere that it could cause the aquarium to overflow if the enkamat gets clogged and restricts water flow.

Is the water level in the overflow box a lot lower than the water level in the aquarium?
Master of Cloak

Master of Cloak

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Im not sure where you mean to say you are going to put something like enkamat. If you do decide to use it, be careful not to put it somewhere that it could cause the aquarium to overflow if the enkamat gets clogged and restricts water flow.

Is the water level in the overflow box a lot lower than the water level in the aquarium?

It’s about 1.5 inches. I read that people put enkamat in the internal box to quiet it down.

John Robbins

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I dont have much to offer on using the enkamat. Ive never used it like you are proposing. You probably have considered this, but remember to be cautious that anything you put on or in the overflow box doesn't impede the water flowing from the tank into the drain. If it does, you may find yourself dealing with an overflowing aquarium. Have you considered using light diffuser grid instead of the enkamat? It may be less likely to impede the water draining properly and still serve the same purpose.
Master of Cloak

Master of Cloak

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Tanks been up for about 6 weeks now. I purchased 2 Ocean Revive leds and used an AI HMS Multi Light Raul to mount them. I need to organize the cords Lol. Aside from that I stocked the tank with 2 clowns, 1 yellow tang and 1 powder Brown tang in addition to 10 hermit crabs. Any stocking and coral suggestions?

Master of Cloak

Master of Cloak

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Live Stock
Okay, so a lot has happened in the past 3 months. For starters, all my fish got marine ich. The powder brown tang died as well as a tomini I had purchased. As a result, I went out and got a qt for both my coral and fish. There is a 20 long for fish and a 20 high for corals on a Petco Brooklyn Style Aquarium stand. I am currently towards the end of my fallow period so this weekend I will be able to add fish back to the tank. The current stocking list consists of:
1 Yellow Tang
2 Clownfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Pink Urchin
A lot of Hermit Crabs

In addition to setting up some quarantine tanks, I also made a saltwater mixing station with two 32 gallon brute cans and a jebao DCT 12000. Water changes are so much easier now. If you have the room, a mixing station is worth the investment. I also purchased two Icecap Gyre 3k's so I could get more flow in the tank. Right now I am running them at 20% for 10 minutes and then 30 seconds off. The pumps are dead silent. As for lighting I have sold my two ocean revives and purchased a Reefbreeders Photon V2+ 50 because I am planning an upgrade to a 60" aquarium in the near future. So far the light seems pretty solid but I'm not sure as to what settings to run on them. Right now I am running Channel 1 and 2 at 12%, Channel 3, 5 and 6 at 40%, and Channel 4 at 15%. The eclipse overflow is still loud but I've gotten used to it.

After looking at my rockscape for a few months I started to hate it. There was little to no room for coral placement and it was very two dimensional. I decided to switch it up and make a scape that had some more depth. Currently, I am pleased with how it came out.

I haven't had any massive growth from my corals. My GSP is growing okay and beginning to attach on the back wall of the tank. My xenia doesn't seem to grow and neither is my hammer. My Duncan has some new heads and is up to 13. I'm not too surprised though since I switched from reef crystals to fritz blue box and have changed a lot of the equipment for the tank. In my coral quarantine, I currently have three types of frogspawn one of which is a massive colony, two more hammers, a new Monti cap, and some favias. I'm doing a 45-day quarantine as 76 days is too long for me and I'm willing to take the risk.


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