Take a look at the difference in the spectrums of the AI Prime Fuge and the AI Blade Fuge in the pictures below. The spectrum of the AI Prime Fuge is the REVERSE of the spectrum of the AI Blade Fuge. Has the AI team put ANY thought at all into the spectrums when designing these lights?
There are people like Dr Bugbee who've devoted their whole career to studying the response of plants to different spectrums. Here's a link to to one of his interviews about it. He's the one that produces the Apogee PAR meters that are so popular for reef tanks - reefers already buy his products. Has the AI team bothered to talk to him or one of his colleagues when designing their Fuge lights? I'm just baffled by this discovery.
There are people like Dr Bugbee who've devoted their whole career to studying the response of plants to different spectrums. Here's a link to to one of his interviews about it. He's the one that produces the Apogee PAR meters that are so popular for reef tanks - reefers already buy his products. Has the AI team bothered to talk to him or one of his colleagues when designing their Fuge lights? I'm just baffled by this discovery.