I was hesitant to crank up my lights because I thought that might add stress to an already stressed out coral.. by looking at my stressed Monti Digi, you think it would benefit from more light?There is nothing wrong with trying SPS in a 6 month old tank.
1st thing I would do is stop buying LFS RO water. Get your own system; you can get systems which hook up directly to your sink faucet so no plumbing required. This will allow you so do weekly water changes.
Your params look good, so my next thought would be lighting. For SPS, I would CRANK those bad boys up so you are getting 350-400 at the top. If you can’t achieve this, consider adding some T5 supplementation.
Add in some white.
Seriatopora and Montipora digitata will be your easiest SPS to start with. Get as big of a frag or colony as you can. Grown is exponential if they have the space.
LPS just grow very slowly in general. That is why so often they are fragged from wild colonies unlike SPs and softies.
As for the RO.. I would like to get it set up at home but my space is limited. Us Floridians don’t have basements!
I’d probably have to set up a water mixing station in my garage and the LFS is 5 min away from my house..