I've got a situation I'm not sure how to solve. I have a massive outbreak of what I thought was valonia. I'm no longer certain that's what it is. It certainly looks like it, but it survived a 6 week treatment with 4x dose of fluconazole and thought it was a nice holiday. This stuff grows so fast I can remove it and it's back in the same quantity the next day. I've tried mithrax crabs but no go. I've tried pithos crabs, but they only eat the smallest of the stuff and not fast enough to help. I've not yet found anything that will eat the red turf algae.
I've read about urchins, but not all of my tank is urchin-safe and I really don't want it to kill some of the really nice branching coraline that I have growing.
All of the fish I've read about that will take care of this are too large for a 75g. The closest is a one spot foxface rabbitfish.
Any suggestions?
I've read about urchins, but not all of my tank is urchin-safe and I really don't want it to kill some of the really nice branching coraline that I have growing.
All of the fish I've read about that will take care of this are too large for a 75g. The closest is a one spot foxface rabbitfish.
Any suggestions?