This was good. I knew that the Bonsai was going to thrive for you guys and you guys did not disappoint! I for one really enjoyed watching this one play out and when it came down to the finalists these specimens were outstanding.
But as always there can only be one victor. The Bonsai is a speedy grower especially for a stubby thing, so I wasn't too surprised to see some girth at the end of this one, but this final shot is incredible man. Super impressive colony you've grow out here in just one short year. Remarkable!
Congratulations @Jasonak. You are the winner of the 2023. BC Bonsai grow out! Well deserved. Just look at this thing! A perfect specimen. I am blown away and I think it's just getting started!
In a super close race for second, @Reefing102 eeks out 2nd place with slightly less stubby but vertically superior elongated colony! Nice work my friend!
And I know I always say we can't do this, but I think again we have a tie for 3rd. I mean, these two colonies are just way too close to call definitively. So in yet another tie for 3rd place, seasoned grow out competitors and sps wizards @zbryant91 and @SpSDrew. 3rd place is yours!
Congratulations guys, and once again, thanks to everyone involved and an extra extremely special thanks to the organizers again, without whom none of this would even be remotely possible. You guys are the machine!
But as always there can only be one victor. The Bonsai is a speedy grower especially for a stubby thing, so I wasn't too surprised to see some girth at the end of this one, but this final shot is incredible man. Super impressive colony you've grow out here in just one short year. Remarkable!
Congratulations @Jasonak. You are the winner of the 2023. BC Bonsai grow out! Well deserved. Just look at this thing! A perfect specimen. I am blown away and I think it's just getting started!
In a super close race for second, @Reefing102 eeks out 2nd place with slightly less stubby but vertically superior elongated colony! Nice work my friend!
And I know I always say we can't do this, but I think again we have a tie for 3rd. I mean, these two colonies are just way too close to call definitively. So in yet another tie for 3rd place, seasoned grow out competitors and sps wizards @zbryant91 and @SpSDrew. 3rd place is yours!
Congratulations guys, and once again, thanks to everyone involved and an extra extremely special thanks to the organizers again, without whom none of this would even be remotely possible. You guys are the machine!