I miss the day of peer reviewed / refereed articles. Back in the day that is all you could use when putting references into school papers. Now with the internet people just publish whatever and other people take it as fact. I know that many of the posts in this thread are an attempt to peer review someone's work. If the people on this thread would look up what it takes to have an article refereed/peer reviewed they will see that what is being asked here is nothing surprising and valid answers would be expected before your article would ever be considered for a journal (this is how us old folks use to get this type of information in the past before the internet).Help me understand:
All of these threads and "experiments," where you’ve faced almost universal pushback on your understanding, ideas and claims, are aimed at publishing an "article"? That sounds like research, but it’s being done with no controls, no protocols, and no rigor — just presented under the guise of research?
When asked directly about your motives, you said this was just about your personal observations and a desire to learn. You pushed back hard when people suggested you were presenting yourself as an expert or had other motives.
You keep saying you’re making no claims, while these threads are full of claims that have been picked apart and shown to be wrong. How do you reconcile that with your plan to turn this into something you’d publish as “final works”?
How do you plan to publish a credible "article" after almost every claim you’ve made has been shot down in real time?