I too, would like to know what is the mechanism to qualify, quantify, and control the compounds when it comes to Nitrogen in all its forms, and how it can fuel growth. We DO want to be able to repeat findings, yeah?
That question doesn’t have a direct answer. If I was to ask you could you tell me how much nitrogen is your tank producing in 24h? And would that have a meaningful importance in terms of having a stable tank.
In this experiment I can, to a certain degree. Prior to start this thread to observe the effects of a tank balanced by organic carbon, I’ve done testing in dark environment. In that experiment I’ve added nitrogen with a known equivalent to nitrate in mg/l, I’ve added phosphate with a known mg/l and I’ve added carbohydrates with a known weight.
During that experiment I’ve concluded that a balance between the 3 nutrients could be reached and that a ratio could be determined from it. Balance in aquaria means that import and export will translate to a stable No3 and Po4 this translated to stability.
That balanced came from chemotrophs and heterotrophs.
In this experiment I’m adding light to identify if the balanced achievement by those chemotrophs and heterotrophs can outcompete some of the undesirable autotrophs with the aid of organic carbon and one autotroph that is being stimulated by silica (diatoms).
The addition of organic carbon to increase heterotrophic organisms is not a necessary thing to do, the same nutrients can be reduced with autotrophic organisms (Ex. macro algae’s) they just use a different type of carbon.
Using autotrophic organisms to balance systems that are organic carbon limited is something that we have been doing since the hobby started. The introduction of refugiums are a good example.
As far as mimicking this experience, I haven’t seen any indication that it would be a good idea, it’s only been one week since the start of lights on and I don’t have anything positive or negative to say in relation to the main objective of the thread. This could fairly easily fail and illustrate that it’s only positive outcome was to increase microbial and zooplankton biodiversity in aquaria.
As I stated several times before, at this moment I’m only observing the effects.
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