So it's cold, and by that I mean too cold to ship coral.
So, what better way to spend a few minutes or hours than a game with very little meaning and only a shred of glory for the winner.
Ultimately it's just a way for me to get you to plow through as many of my IG posts as possible. Not going to sugarcoat it. But if you're as tired of seeing the same old auctions and sales and stupid stuff as I am, maybe this will be fun. Or perhaps it will be a fabulous dud.
Mind You, I have given this no thought outside of the initial moment it popped into my head, so I have no idea how it will go.
It came to me after my good friend @Jasonak mentioned that he finally recognized a song from one of my IG posts. And that got me thinking. There has to be something fun we can do with that...
So here we are.
List and link your 3 favorite songs from any of my IG posts or reels or whatever here. And whoever has the "best" list wins. something good.
Also, a bonus 500.00 GC for anyone who can list my personal top 3!
Play, or don't play. It's all up to you.
So, what better way to spend a few minutes or hours than a game with very little meaning and only a shred of glory for the winner.
Ultimately it's just a way for me to get you to plow through as many of my IG posts as possible. Not going to sugarcoat it. But if you're as tired of seeing the same old auctions and sales and stupid stuff as I am, maybe this will be fun. Or perhaps it will be a fabulous dud.
Mind You, I have given this no thought outside of the initial moment it popped into my head, so I have no idea how it will go.
It came to me after my good friend @Jasonak mentioned that he finally recognized a song from one of my IG posts. And that got me thinking. There has to be something fun we can do with that...
So here we are.
List and link your 3 favorite songs from any of my IG posts or reels or whatever here. And whoever has the "best" list wins. something good.
Also, a bonus 500.00 GC for anyone who can list my personal top 3!
Play, or don't play. It's all up to you.
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