Hi I am currently Fishless cycling my tank - first one ever. At the beginning I used dr Tims ammonia, but now stopped as I hit 2.2ppm ammonia, I am getting tests done properly from fish store but in the meantime using api test kit daily as the owner told me when ammonia is nearly zero go back again to test again …I went last week and ammonia was 2.2ppm still to high but he said api tests aren’t reliable so when it’s dropped go back because it was dark green a few days ago since then it seems be dropping dramatically but nitrites are still rising they were blue last week but every day getting more and more purple . My question is do I need do anything else am I nearly ready (I know ammonia and nitrite need be 0) I’m adding daily stability , temp 26degrees , PH 8.0 , salinity perfect at fish store . Just wondering whether go get it checked again at LFS or wait longer I’m been inpatient I want my fish my results today are attached what do you think