I purchased a Fluval Evo 13.5 gallon tank from my LFS and set it up 8 days ago with live rock, live sand, included filtration media + added Seachem Matrix (All provided by my LFS). The employees also sent me home with Seachem stability and I believe told me to dose it every 2-3 days. I have been following the instructions on the bottle and adding the appropriate amount everyday for 7 days. I considered ghost feeding but figured I wouldn't have any troubles with providing ammonia as the live rock came equipped with the occasional creepy worm creature, one of which I ripped in half leaving part of it's body within the rock to decay. Despite all this, my ammonia has not increased more than 0.25ppm and there has been zero conversion to nitrites or nitrates. Currently my parameters are at:
Temp 78-80
Salinitiy 1.021
pH 7.8
Ammonia 0.25 ppm
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
I'm at a loss for what i should do. Should I be dosing ammonia at this point, adding a fish or just continuing to be patient and let nature take it course?
Temp 78-80
Salinitiy 1.021
pH 7.8
Ammonia 0.25 ppm
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
I'm at a loss for what i should do. Should I be dosing ammonia at this point, adding a fish or just continuing to be patient and let nature take it course?