Hi all. I own a pet cichlid who seems to have parasites. I want to put him in a 5 gallon saltwater hospital tank to remove them. Was thinking of using a saltwater bath and chemical treatment (herbtana). I was thinking of using this protocol:
1. imagitarium aquarium salt (instructions say 1 rounded tablespoon per 5 gallons of water, so for a medical saltbath I was thinking of 2 rounded tablespoons for the duration of the treatment)
2. herbtana (instructions say add 1 ml of herbtana per 5 gallons of water daily for ten days)
3. use heater to keep tank at 78 Fahrenheit
3. have fish in hospital tank for ten days
Is this a dangerous treatment? Will this protocol overdose my cichlid? Also, any advice on how to make it better and safer? Anything I am forgetting to do and should I use any lower or higher dosages?
Thank you again for your help
1. imagitarium aquarium salt (instructions say 1 rounded tablespoon per 5 gallons of water, so for a medical saltbath I was thinking of 2 rounded tablespoons for the duration of the treatment)
2. herbtana (instructions say add 1 ml of herbtana per 5 gallons of water daily for ten days)
3. use heater to keep tank at 78 Fahrenheit
3. have fish in hospital tank for ten days
Is this a dangerous treatment? Will this protocol overdose my cichlid? Also, any advice on how to make it better and safer? Anything I am forgetting to do and should I use any lower or higher dosages?
Thank you again for your help