Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I have a 230 gallon aquarium that's been running about 8 months now. Everything has been great, parameters fine, until a sudden and fast growing green hair algae issue the past few weeks. I've tried manually removing it and scrubbing with a toothbrush to no avail. I have a new test kit arriving tomorrow so I can't share stats now, but all inhabitants seem very healthy. I do have a large regugium that has chaeto in it about the size of a shoebox. I feed once a day and free feed nori. Can too much of a fuge be a bad thing? I'm wondering if it's the cause of the green hair algae, bht maybe that's a dumb assessment. This is new territory for me. I do a 15% waterchage once a week with ro/di water and Fritz salt. I have about 15 big turbo snails in there and a lawnmower blenny coming tomorrow. I have AI lighting with whites turned way low and they're on about 7 hours a day plus ramp up/down. Ive ordered NoPox, but I hate adding chemicals to the tank. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I have a 230 gallon aquarium that's been running about 8 months now. Everything has been great, parameters fine, until a sudden and fast growing green hair algae issue the past few weeks. I've tried manually removing it and scrubbing with a toothbrush to no avail. I have a new test kit arriving tomorrow so I can't share stats now, but all inhabitants seem very healthy. I do have a large regugium that has chaeto in it about the size of a shoebox. I feed once a day and free feed nori. Can too much of a fuge be a bad thing? I'm wondering if it's the cause of the green hair algae, bht maybe that's a dumb assessment. This is new territory for me. I do a 15% waterchage once a week with ro/di water and Fritz salt. I have about 15 big turbo snails in there and a lawnmower blenny coming tomorrow. I have AI lighting with whites turned way low and they're on about 7 hours a day plus ramp up/down. Ive ordered NoPox, but I hate adding chemicals to the tank. Any advice is greatly appreciated!