Hi. I have a problem with a coral that i believe it's a mix of a Hammer and a Frogspawn. It opens a little less than before and seems like it turned transparent. When i bought it, it had a beautiful dark green color tone and remained like that for a few days. Now it is transparent and with a very weak green. My other corals seems to be doing fine. This hammer/frog sits in the middle/higher part of the tank. I don't have a par meter but the lighting doesn't seems very strong.
DIY LED 45W lighting (main) (Programmable)
2X DIY LED lighting ( weaker and bluer for sunrise and sunset effect) (Programmable)
Alk ~ 8,5
Magnesium ~ 1450
Calcium ~ 450
Ph ~ 8
Salinity ~ 1.025
Nitrate - 2 ~ 3 ppm
Phosphate - (my currently test seems to be low quality, but i know it is below 0.1 ppm but not zero)

DIY LED 45W lighting (main) (Programmable)
2X DIY LED lighting ( weaker and bluer for sunrise and sunset effect) (Programmable)
Alk ~ 8,5
Magnesium ~ 1450
Calcium ~ 450
Ph ~ 8
Salinity ~ 1.025
Nitrate - 2 ~ 3 ppm
Phosphate - (my currently test seems to be low quality, but i know it is below 0.1 ppm but not zero)