Ink's Infinia 190.5 upgrade


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Little back story to this upgrade. I'm still somewhat new to the hobby, approx. a year in as of starting this upgrade. I started out by asking a lot questions at one of my LFS's and feel like I got a lot of bad advice. Most likely to just get me to buy the initial tank, a 65 gallon. Fast forward now a year later and I feel over whelmed with that amount of hang on the back equipment currently all over my tank and decided before I add or expand my current tank anymore I wanted something with a actual SUMP and not a canister (by the way I upgraded to the CAN as the guy at the LFS sold me a HOB filter). This tank has a very Thick RIM with a middle divider as well which has even made using HOB equipment annoying and I've had to get creative with some of the stuff I've added.

The current equipment I'm working with consists of
65 Gallon Tank 36L18W24H
Canister Filter Fluval FX4
2 Heaters 1 Fluval E200 and 1 Generic backup
Tunze ATO 3155
Maxspect Gyre XF330 with controller
Aquamaxx 1.5 HOB Protein Skimmer
NICREW 150W Aquarium LED Reef Light
AVAST Marine Auto feeder

Currnet live stock consist of
2 generic ocellaris Clowns
1 Yellow Watchmen Gobbie
hand full of red leg hermits
a metric crap ton of Mexican Turbos as the 6 I had spawned children all over the tank
1 GSP on a island
1 Green Candy Cane (Trumpets)

I had plans for an Angel (possibly flame) and some Zoa's but put them on hold after being frustrated with my current setup.

Now onto the FUN stuff, my new setup. After a lot of deliberating I decided to go with a Waterbox Infinia Reef 190.5. I had to work out the logistics, such as could the floor support this tank and how was I going to get it into my house with the problem of Waterbox not delivering to driveways with inclines. Then the final problem of having a lack of friends that I felt would be willing to help me move a 130 gallon display tank.

I had someone confirm the floor. I found a better more knowledgeable LFS that ordered the Waterbox and is taking delivery of it for me (They seemed very familiar with the process and know to thoroughly inspect it prior to signing to accept delivery). And last but not least I solved the lack of friends with U-Huals site that allows you to hire muscle along with the truck for loading and unloading.

Equipment that has been currently ordered consists of the following
WaterBox Infinia 190.5
Mesh Lid from WaterBox
Large Control Box from WaterBox
WaterBox Protein Skimmer 270 AC
2 SCUBA 300watt contactless heaters

Equipment I am still deciding on is the following
Pump for the SUMP (considering a Sicce SDC 9.0)
UV-C (Sicce came out with a new UV-C I really like the looks of it. With this being a new system would be nice to start with this instead of plumbing it in later)
Lights (Probably an additional NICREW 150W should cover it)

I plan on reusing the following equipment from prior tank
Tunze ATO 3155
Maxspect Gyre XF330 with controller
NICREW 150W Aquarium LED Reef Light
AVAST Marine Auto feeder

The tank is backordered by a few weeks and the LFS predicts we should see it by end of August. I'll post a few pictures of my current setup and update my parts list as I decide. I'll also take pictures as much as I can of the delivery/setup process as it happens.


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Gumbies R Us

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Little back story to this upgrade. I'm still somewhat new to the hobby, approx. a year in as of starting this upgrade. I started out by asking a lot questions at one of my LFS's and feel like I got a lot of bad advice. Most likely to just get me to buy the initial tank, a 65 gallon. Fast forward now a year later and I feel over whelmed with that amount of hang on the back equipment currently all over my tank and decided before I add or expand my current tank anymore I wanted something with a actual SUMP and not a canister (by the way I upgraded to the CAN as the guy at the LFS sold me a HOB filter). This tank has a very Thick RIM with a middle divider as well which has even made using HOB equipment annoying and I've had to get creative with some of the stuff I've added.

The current equipment I'm working with consists of
65 Gallon Tank 36L18W24H
Canister Filter Fluval FX4
2 Heaters 1 Fluval E200 and 1 Generic backup
Tunze ATO 3155
Maxspect Gyre XF330 with controller
Aquamaxx 1.5 HOB Protein Skimmer
NICREW 150W Aquarium LED Reef Light
AVAST Marine Auto feeder

Currnet live stock consist of
2 generic ocellaris Clowns
1 Yellow Watchmen Gobbie
hand full of red leg hermits
a metric crap ton of Mexican Turbos as the 6 I had spawned children all over the tank
1 GSP on a island
1 Green Candy Cane (Trumpets)

I had plans for an Angel (possibly flame) and some Zoa's but put them on hold after being frustrated with my current setup.

Now onto the FUN stuff, my new setup. After a lot of deliberating I decided to go with a Waterbox Infinia Reef 190.5. I had to work out the logistics, such as could the floor support this tank and how was I going to get it into my house with the problem of Waterbox not delivering to driveways with inclines. Then the final problem of having a lack of friends that I felt would be willing to help me move a 130 gallon display tank.

I had someone confirm the floor. I found a better more knowledgeable LFS that ordered the Waterbox and is taking delivery of it for me (They seemed very familiar with the process and know to thoroughly inspect it prior to signing to accept delivery). And last but not least I solved the lack of friends with U-Huals site that allows you to hire muscle along with the truck for loading and unloading.

Equipment that has been currently ordered consists of the following
WaterBox Infinia 190.5
Mesh Lid from WaterBox
Large Control Box from WaterBox
WaterBox Protein Skimmer 270 AC
2 SCUBA 300watt contactless heaters

Equipment I am still deciding on is the following
Pump for the SUMP (considering a Sicce SDC 9.0)
UV-C (Sicce came out with a new UV-C I really like the looks of it. With this being a new system would be nice to start with this instead of plumbing it in later)
Lights (Probably an additional NICREW 150W should cover it)

I plan on reusing the following equipment from prior tank
Tunze ATO 3155
Maxspect Gyre XF330 with controller
NICREW 150W Aquarium LED Reef Light
AVAST Marine Auto feeder

The tank is backordered by a few weeks and the LFS predicts we should see it by end of August. I'll post a few pictures of my current setup and update my parts list as I decide. I'll also take pictures as much as I can of the delivery/setup process as it happens.


I can't wait to see the new tank!


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Small updates. Still waiting on the tank to get delivered to the store. In the mean time I've fired up a small 20 gallon quarantine that I'll use to transfer the Corals and fish to in-between tearing the old tank down and cycling up the new one. I also got the following gear in for the new tank.

WaterBox Protein Skimmer 270 AC
2 SCUBA 300watt contactless heaters
Sicce SDC 9.0 Pump
Sicce UV-C 13w & Sicce Syncra silent pump for it

Thinking about ordering the dual manifold attachment as the tank comes with the single as well.




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Tank has arrived at my LFS. I picked up the cabinets from them today and assembled. Currently working on calling around and looking for some labor muscle that capable of helping unload the tank from a truck and getting it onto the cabinet.



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Arranged for pickup and the moving of the tank onto the stand yesterday. The tank and sump come shipped in a wooden crate on a pallet. The LFS had an fork lift and made it easy as they simply used that to set it into the back of the truck. Once I got it home, I got to work unscrewing and prying open the wooden crate to get the accessories and sump out. I then had a group of 4 movers assist me in moving the tank out of the truck and onto the stand. I will say that if you are looking at this size tank or larger from WaterBox you need a lot of people. I think 4 people was the bare minimum to get the tank of this size and weight moved because even then it was still a bit of a struggle.

I've plumbed the tank, which I needed some assistance from my wife with because of the height of the tank it's hard to keep the piping in down the back of the overflow box while screwing the unions in from the bottom.

I also added in some Philips Hue LED strip lights and a motion sensor under the cabinet, so when you open the doors they turn on and after 5 minutes without motion they turn off.

I'm still working on hooking up UV-C. Although I won't have the UV-C turned on through the initial cycling process.

I also need to start migrating the current fish and corrals out of the existing tank into a staging 20g quarantine tank. I'm a little nervous about this part because they are going to be migrated twice in the span of a couple weeks which is alot of stress. The problem I have is I just don't feel comfortable filling the new tank up that close to the location of the old tank. It's a lot of additional weight in that room with both tanks full.






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It has been awhile since I posted to this thread. I've made a lot of progress on this tank and would like to bring it up to date. Life just got a bit busy and I had trouble making time to post updates.

So first off... after getting the tank fully assembled I did a combination leak test / sterilization. slowly filling the tank with tap water and stoping and constantly and looking for any signs of leaks.
steril fill.jpg

after getting it filled I added several gallons of white distilled vinegar and turned the return pump on and let everything run for 24 hours in an attempt to cleanse any lingering chemicals or impurities that may have been left over from the manufacturing process of the tank and pipes.

steril fill 2.jpg

After this I completely drained the tank, rinsed the filter socks and let everything dry out for another two days.

Gumbies R Us

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It has been awhile since I posted to this thread. I've made a lot of progress on this tank and would like to bring it up to date. Life just got a bit busy and I had trouble making time to post updates.

So first off... after getting the tank fully assembled I did a combination leak test / sterilization. slowly filling the tank with tap water and stoping and constantly and looking for any signs of leaks.
steril fill.jpg

after getting it filled I added several gallons of white distilled vinegar and turned the return pump on and let everything run for 24 hours in an attempt to cleanse any lingering chemicals or impurities that may have been left over from the manufacturing process of the tank and pipes.

steril fill 2.jpg

After this I completely drained the tank, rinsed the filter socks and let everything dry out for another two days.
The new tank is looking great!


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Next up I prepped as much salt water as I could. I have two, forty gallon brute trash bins that I make RODI and stage premixed salt water in for my changes.

I then headed to my local reef shop and picked up new bags of CaribSea live sand and live rock from their systems. Apparently I got lucky and they had just taken some large pieces out of their main display that had been running for almost 10 years so I got my hands on some very pre-established pieces.

They staged everything in Styrofoam collars wrapped in damp towels. I quickly went home dumped the sand filled the 80 gallons of salt water I had ready into the main display and the then temporarily move the heaters up into the main display and turned on the power heads to try and keep the good bacteria in the live rock I got healthy. I later added some additional dry-rock from my old system that I had sterilized by soaking in citric, rinsed, and then let dry out.

salt sand add and rock.jpg
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Added some additional cultured bacteria to kick start anything missing in the tank and then waited several weeks while testing ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. After everything seemed clear there was no ammonia and the nitrate was falling I adding in my 2 clowns and the watchmen gobby along with the corals from my quarantine tank, added some additional live rock I picked up and tried to do a basic scape with what little I had.

I can honestly say I love how easy having the really good live rock made things in terms of jump starting this tank. However it did make things tougher when it came to trying to build out the scape since the rock had to remain in the tank to stay healthy.

1st fish add.jpg

I had a lot of problems with algae on the sand bed of my last tank and wanted to get ahead of that on this one so I add a tiger conch and a diamond goby. I know from what I read alot of people mention not to add the diamond goby with concern that he will starve from lack of maturity in the sand bed to feed him. However I offset this by target feeding him TDO chroma sinking pellets with a turkey baster and extension pipe. He is still fat dumb and happy months later. I also seeded pods into the sand bed at this time and noticed an explosion of them on the glass weeks later.

sand sifters.jpg

I was a little worried that the diamond and yellow watchmen might not get along. However with the lack of a pistol shrimp to pair with the yellow watchmen became friend with the diamond and he guards the burrow that he built.

gobie friends.jpg


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Next I added a Royal Gramma and a randall's assessor. I also burrowed the par meter from my local reef shop and then decided to add a third nicrew 150 as the par spread towards the edges of the tank was a bit to low. Also added some CaribSea life rock, scaped a little more and added an additional gyre pump on the opposite side of the tank.

grahma and accessor.jpg

3 lights and rock.jpg
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At this point I had been adding just a few things at a time. I decided the tank was pretty stable and other then the rock scape which still need to be added to and re-arranged a little it was time to make a big addition.

The wrasse gang! My local reef shop had all but one of the wrasses I wanted in stock and I grabbed them all in one swoop to have the best chance of them acclimating together and getting along. I added the following wrasses along with a few extras.


1 Yellow Coris
1 melanurus
1 Six line
1 blue throat fairy

1 midas blenny

Several corals
2 zoa's
1 frog spawn
1 toad stool

Days later I took the time and added more CaribSea life rock, made the scape higher and filled it in more on the left and right sides. Also moved the small island rock from front left to the right so the diamond goby could build his sand castle of solitude on the left side lol


a couple of weeks later, my reef shop called me saying they got in the last wrasse that I wanted and was missing. A juvenile Mystery Wrasse.

mystery close.jpg
mystery close.jpg
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After a long gap of posting were getting close to being caught up. couple weeks prior to thanksgiving my local reef shop had a complete he harem of anthia's. 1 male and 3 females, the hope was that they would continue to be ok together when moved into my tank. Everything seem good the first week. However did noticed occasional one of the females would chase the other.

sadly a week Iater I did the normal routine of feeding them in the morning and everything seemed fine but that afternoon I noticed one of the females appeared to be missing. I eventually spotted her between the rocks breathing heavy. She passed away the next morning from what I want to assume was aggression from one others.

(bad picture sorry, they didn't want to stop moving lol)



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Black Friday!

Local reef shop had great sales on corals. I picked up a fairly large open brain, a watermelon chalice, a gonipora, a blasto, a blue and pink tip torch, and the last one I honestly can't remember what it is. It's the small frag between the chalice and blasto on the frag rack.

BF corals.jpg

Hydros controllers were on sale at 10% off which seems to only happen on Black-Friday. I had been researching automation and which vendor I wanted to use for a couple of months and finally went with Hydros.
I picked up two XP8's, a Wave Engine, and an X10 with an IV add-on.

I went to ikea picked up a cabinet I saw someone else use for a different controller layout. I bought and extra door for this cabinet, cut it to size so that it fit inside half way back with some L brackets to mount it there. Before mounting it I laid it flat and stenciled where I was mounting everything before hand, as well as marked a place to drill in circular wire gromets.

This is the end result. Still working on hooking up and configuring all the controllers but they are mounted in place with an open space for the maven eventually.

controler cabinet.jpg

Gumbies R Us

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Black Friday!

Local reef shop had great sales on corals. I picked up a fairly large open brain, a watermelon chalice, a gonipora, a blasto, a blue and pink tip torch, and the last one I honestly can't remember what it is. It's the small frag between the chalice and blasto on the frag rack.

BF corals.jpg

Hydros controllers were on sale at 10% off which seems to only happen on Black-Friday. I had been researching automation and which vendor I wanted to use for a couple of months and finally went with Hydros.
I picked up two XP8's, a Wave Engine, and an X10 with an IV add-on.

I went to ikea picked up a cabinet I saw someone else use for a different controller layout. I bought and extra door for this cabinet, cut it to size so that it fit inside half way back with some L brackets to mount it there. Before mounting it I laid it flat and stenciled where I was mounting everything before hand, as well as marked a place to drill in circular wire gromets.

This is the end result. Still working on hooking up and configuring all the controllers but they are mounted in place with an open space for the maven eventually.

controler cabinet.jpg
Nice looking chalice!


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Looking awesome, well done, I’m upgrading with the same tank next year. I might have to hit you up with some questions in the beginning if that’s okay with you.


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Looking awesome, well done, I’m upgrading with the same tank next year. I might have to hit you up with some questions in the beginning if that’s okay with you.
Yah no problem. I'd say my only complaint is probably the common one you find when researching this tank. It's the noise from the overflow box and the emergency drain being a tiny bit shorter then it should.

There are fixes for this, I just didn't bother. The tank is in my office and when I'm not in there admiring it I'm at my desk with head phones on so doesn't bother me to much.


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Yah no problem. I'd say my only complaint is probably the common one you find when researching this tank. It's the noise from the overflow box and the emergency drain being a tiny bit shorter then it should.

There are fixes for this, I just didn't bother. The tank is in my office and when I'm not in there admiring it I'm at my desk with head phones on so doesn't bother me to much.
Thank you! I would like you to solve the noise problem before I set up my tank so you can tell me how to do it. ;)

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