Setup is a 40 breeder several corals on the left with mainly monti and gsp on the right. There was more variety on the right but the gsp grew over it. Tip on gsp…don’t put it where you don’t want it !!!
Now to the question…
My dosing seems to constantly going up and now I’m using a gallon of soda ash every 2 months! Dosing is 40 ml of soda ash every day to keep it around 8dkh. Calcium carbonate is the same at 40ml/day.
Does it seem normal for a tank this size with this amount of corals?
Is there a more efficient way to maintain the alk and ca?
I do weekly 5g water changes with the cheap Instant ocean salt.

Now to the question…
My dosing seems to constantly going up and now I’m using a gallon of soda ash every 2 months! Dosing is 40 ml of soda ash every day to keep it around 8dkh. Calcium carbonate is the same at 40ml/day.
Does it seem normal for a tank this size with this amount of corals?
Is there a more efficient way to maintain the alk and ca?
I do weekly 5g water changes with the cheap Instant ocean salt.