As @tbrown said, make sure you have at least one 2.4 only SSID. Your other SSIDs can be 5.0 or even 5.0/2.4 but the Hydros should connect to a different SSID that only has 2.4 available. A lot of IoT-type hardware has that requirement. I have three 5.0/2.4 SSIDs for guest/home/test and one 2.4 only SSID for IoT.I'm using one Hydros wifi strip but not for anything critical. It keeps disconnecting from my wifi. I installed a dedicated 2.4ghz access point but it must still be trying to get on the main dual band router somehow. I'm sure it's a configuration problem that is somehow my fault but it's frustrating.
@JoJosReef, I really like the controller board.