- Ecotech Radion: G4/G5/G6, XR15 or XR30, PRO VERSION ONLY (NO BLUE).
- Ecotech Vortech: MP10QD or MP40QD
- Ecotech Versa: Singles or 4-Pack
For Sale
*Discount offered for multiple items or custom packages. Select the items and quantities you are looking for, and send me a DM. Feel free to text/call/WhatsApp with questions: 813-809-0060
A500X Kit Price (per kit) (A500X+Wifi+Mount): $500 Shipped & Insured
A360X Kit Price (per kit) (A360X+Wifi+Mount): $290 Shipped & Insured
A360WE Kit Price (per kit) (A360WE+Wifi+Mount): $185 Shipped & Insured
a) Gently used, clean, zero corrosion, mounted 20" above tank
b) Comes w/ box + mounting hardware
c) Tuna Blue Version
a) Gently used, clean, zero corrosion, mounted 20" above tank
b) Comes w/ box + mounting hardware
c) Tuna Blue Version
3) 2 x Kessil A360WE
a) Gently used, clean, zero corrosion, mounted 20" above tank
b) Tuna Blue Version
4) 3 x WiFi Dongles - 1 unit PENDING PICKUP
a) 2 x With Box, 1 x No Box
5) 3 x A-Series Mounting Arm
a) 2 x standard (used $35 ea shipped)
b) 1 x with swivel mount (open box, never used, $60 shipped)
6) 1 x Spectral Controller - X
a) Selling only with purchase of at least 1 of the A360WE lights listed above
b) Comes w/ p/s (USB cable) + connecter
6) USB-C Light-to-Light Cables
a) Free w/ purchase of light
b) 1 x with 90° connector
c) 1 x standard
1) #1 in line for A360X @ItouchedThebutt
2) #2 in line for A360X @Rocks reef
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