I am currently cycling a 13.5g reef tank with live rock from my LFS. When I first unpackaged the rock several hours after taking it home from the store 13 days ago it had a creepy tube worm that I promptly destroyed before placing the rock in my tank. I thought that was the end for any major large hitchhikers until this morning when I noticed some more life emerging from the rock. A new worm had emerged and beside it there are some new polyps. The worm seems sensitive to light and retracts into the rock when I turn on the tank light. I also just dosed the tank with ammonia making a jump from 0 to 2ppm and his tip is starting to shrivel. I think the worm is a peanut worm but was curious what y'all thought? Also I am hoping that those small polyps next to it are not pests and are just tunicates.