As the title says, I am losing a battle with hair algae badly. ~9 month old 32 gallon AIO system currently stocked with a firefish, a bengai, a blenny, and two clowns. Cuc includes a strawberry conch, a rock boring urchin, maybe 10 hermits, and I don’t really know how many snails of various kinds are left because I’ve found several dead over the last few weeks. Cleaner shrimp and an emerald crab both randomly died out of nowhere in the last 2 weeks.
I had dinos which I got rid of but I think I swung way far in the other direction because this brown hair algae has exploded (see pictures). Nitrates and phos measure like 0 at home, measured 6 and 0.02 at the LFS last week. Every week I do a big deep clean scrubbing the rocks and glass and get it to look ok but it lasts like a day before coming back.
I treated with reflux twice maybe 2-3 months ago, and then again a week ago because I thought I underdosed it. All that happened is my torch which was like my favorite thing about the tank died. So I’m basically looking for advice for taking one last go at this before I throw in the towel, which even that would be a hassle trying to rehome the animals.
I’m thinking of taking all the rock out and bathing them in peroxide vs just getting new rock altogether to try to do a hard reset. Would I have a mini- cycle if I did either of these options? Or would the sand and filter media be enough?
Alternatively, getting a big cleaner crew package from reef cleaners (like 30 crabs, I have an ICP test coming in the mail that i would do first to try to prevent all the inverts just dying off.
Any advice is appreciated.

I had dinos which I got rid of but I think I swung way far in the other direction because this brown hair algae has exploded (see pictures). Nitrates and phos measure like 0 at home, measured 6 and 0.02 at the LFS last week. Every week I do a big deep clean scrubbing the rocks and glass and get it to look ok but it lasts like a day before coming back.
I treated with reflux twice maybe 2-3 months ago, and then again a week ago because I thought I underdosed it. All that happened is my torch which was like my favorite thing about the tank died. So I’m basically looking for advice for taking one last go at this before I throw in the towel, which even that would be a hassle trying to rehome the animals.
I’m thinking of taking all the rock out and bathing them in peroxide vs just getting new rock altogether to try to do a hard reset. Would I have a mini- cycle if I did either of these options? Or would the sand and filter media be enough?
Alternatively, getting a big cleaner crew package from reef cleaners (like 30 crabs, I have an ICP test coming in the mail that i would do first to try to prevent all the inverts just dying off.
Any advice is appreciated.

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