*** MARINER OF THE MONTH: 2nd Edition! Sponsored by EShopps, Top Shelf Aquatics, Premium Aquatics, and SaltwaterAquarium.com! ***


Getting back in after 14+ years
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Oct 29, 2019
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Utica, NY
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I nominate @Coral Memere. I believe her dream build has just started. It would be great to see the thought and planning going into it, compared to the progress. In addition, not afraid to ask questions and take constructive criticism, always being open to feedback.

F i s h y

2nd In Command.
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Jan 28, 2020
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@tbrown I appreciate the nomination. I wasn't going to enter. But @Mrs.F i s h y said that I should. I love reefing because of the community. The shared knowledge, and the variability. I appreciate the recognition.

Official Entry:

This is me and @Mrs.F i s h y if it wasn't for her. I very well may not be in reefing anymore. She is my encouragement and my enabler.


Our reef tank is called Big Momma. I'm sorry it is to big for me to get a great single pic. So I am including a recent video of the tank.


My Dream aquarium:
The running joke with our current 8ft reef tank is we could have gone over 2 more ft. I would love to have a 10 or 12ft reef tank. Similar front to back and depth dimensions as what we currently have. A bigger dream would be to someday have a very large (think swimming pool) lagoon shark and ray tank. it would need to have a viewing panel, so it could be viewed from more than the top. @Mrs.F i s h y wants jellies, sea horses, and a predator tank. We would probably just seal off the house and fill it with saltwater if we could.

Here is my build thread. Really need to do an update, but working 2 jobs right now.



I’m pedantic, ignore me
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Feb 3, 2022
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@F i s h y not only did you cheat by adding a video you also added a more photogenic Homo sapien!! Fine I’ll cheat too!

You know what beats a photogenic female Homo sapiens. A photogenic Canis lupus familiaris.

Here is my second tank. It may not be as good as fishy’s but it does have the best name: Eelysium

My dream tank would be a massive predator tank, I'm thinking a few hundred gallons. The fish would be the focus with a couple eels including Gymnothorax meleagris (white mouth moray) being the stars. Some wrasse of course including my awesome Novaculilichthys taeniorious (dragon wrasse), Coris gaimard (galaxy wrasse), Thalassoma lutescens (banana wrasse), Bodianus anthoides (lyretail hogfish), and others. Other cool fish like a sea robin, French and regal angel, Achilles and sailfin tang, and others would round out the stocking. As for decor I want some massive caves for the eels with an overhang formed by plating montipora with acropora at the top. Maybe an 8'x4'x4' would work for that and let's just have it take up a wall in the living room... screw it 12'x4'x4' not like this is ever going to happen anyway so why not make it giant.

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Nominated Cronie Intern - Might be failing?
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Nov 22, 2019
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Peoria, AZ
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Fish Styx

In Cod We Crust
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May 10, 2020
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Washington, DC Metro
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I thought about accepting @tbrown 's nomination and tossing my hat into this ring, but felt that there are many, MANY more reefers on this forum more deserving of such an honor. In fact, for all of my knowledge, there are individuals here who have forgotten more about husbandry and propogation than I'll ever know.

That was, of course, until @Slocke baited me. So, in light of this development, I begrudgingly accept this nomination. So, here we go:

My name is Fish Styx (my mother hated me), and my system is called, "Fish Styx's Fishy Stick Tank". I have relatively new, and poorly managed social media on YT and IG:

The Dainty Dictator (IYKYK) tells me that I'm pretty, not smart; but I suppose I'm neither, because here's my ugly mug:


Just kidding. This is me still not being pretty:


As for my dream system, I am fortunate in that I get to tinker with and enjoy it every day. Now, that's not to say that I, like the rest of you Heathens (also IYKYK), don't dream of something larger, because I certainly do. My dreams, however, are unfortunately tempered by my budget. For now.

If I had my druthers, and I actually may next year, I would like to construct a 500 gallon plywood build in my basement with a fish room behind it. I suppose that that would be my dream system.

Whew! Five whole (long-winded) sentences.

Anyways, here is a picture of my current system, which is still a bit young. It is an SPS dominant mixed reef with some LPS and NPS peppered in for some movement and good measure:


If you'd like to follow along for some reef related content and assorted shenanigans, feel free to visit me and the rest of the Heathens at The House of Orange. You can find us here:


Thanks for reading, and thank you in advance for any votes that I steal from @Slocke . Regardless of the outcome, I hope to count you among the Heathens soon!

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Fish Styx

In Cod We Crust
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May 10, 2020
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Washington, DC Metro
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One tang per gallon
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Sep 27, 2021
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Orange County, CA
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I'm voting for Frank, but don't want to miss the party! Also, this month's topic is just too good.

JoJo (a Serious reefer):

JoJo's No Funny Business Office Tanks​



My Dream Tank
To understand my dream tank, you need some visual guidance. First, my tanks at this time of life must reside in my office, not my home. Second, safety of the office is imperative, so every precaution possible should be taken to avoid disasters. Third, I have only the space of my office to work with. This is the current layout of my office:

Next, consider the dream. While I'm sure many would argue that a sump and proper plumbing is as safe as it comes, it is a simple fact that containing all water in ONE box is safer than two boxes. Thus, the safest option is an AIO with proper emergency overflows. In the event of clogs or nems covering overflows or anything else, the water just flows over the AIO wall back into the return chamber. No controllers with potential failures necessary (although there would still be controllers). Thus, my dream is one very large AIO tank. Here's how the office would now look:

But what about the tank, you say? I'm glad you asked. The custom design would be all acrylic. 12 feet long by 3 feet wide and 24" tall. There would be two partitions in the tank: 1 back partition for the AIO chambers and 1 side partition for a display refugium. The main display would be 96" x 28" for a total of 280 gallon space. The display refugium would be 24" x 36" for a total of 90 gallon space. The back AIO chamber would be 96" x 8" to make space for 7" filter cups, some equipment, and a long cryptic refugium. And naturally, my dream tank would be wrasse dominant, but with the size I can add a few fish I'd always hoped to get one day, like a few tangs. Here is the sketch:

The main overflow will be wide and lead into two filter cups, passing through a baffle wall to the equipment chamber, followed by two baffle walls into the return chamber. There will be two overflows situated a bit higher on the right hand side leading into the display refugium. The overflows are higher to reduce the amount of flow going through the refugium so everything isn't blown around too much. Flow can be adjusted by raising or lowering the overflow covers. There is one return into a filter cup followed by a double baffle into a Cryptic refugium chamber. There should be pods galore in this tank with only one major pod-eater in the display refugium (ruby dragonet), and with mostly macros in the refugium and perhaps some corals, I will be able to add some less reef-safe fish like dwarf angels and a smaller butterfly. But what about maintenance!? Once again, glad you asked. Since this is a dream tank, I feel no reservation in pointing out that the whole tank will be placed on an industrial grade aluminum stand with machined rollers that roll the tank forward very smoothly a few feet so I can get around to the back. No expenses spared. That's amazing! But how are you going to get flow to cover that huge space when you have an entire side blocked by a refugium and the entire back blocked by an AIO? You're on a roll, my friend. The plan will be to build acrylic boxes on the backside of the AIO wall where powerhead magnets can be safely placed without being touched by water, kind of like overflow columns with no inlet or outlet for water. This will allow MP40s/60s or gyres to be place on the back walls safely. I can see that you're dazed. Fear not, once I hit the jackpot, you'll get to see the dream in action!

Here's a link to my real life tank thread:


I’m pedantic, ignore me
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Feb 3, 2022
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I'm voting for Frank, but don't want to miss the party! Also, this month's topic is just too good.

JoJo (a Serious reefer):

JoJo's No Funny Business Office Tanks​



My Dream Tank
To understand my dream tank, you need some visual guidance. First, my tanks at this time of life must reside in my office, not my home. Second, safety of the office is imperative, so every precaution possible should be taken to avoid disasters. Third, I have only the space of my office to work with. This is the current layout of my office:

Next, consider the dream. While I'm sure many would argue that a sump and proper plumbing is as safe as it comes, it is a simple fact that containing all water in ONE box is safer than two boxes. Thus, the safest option is an AIO with proper emergency overflows. In the event of clogs or nems covering overflows or anything else, the water just flows over the AIO wall back into the return chamber. No controllers with potential failures necessary (although there would still be controllers). Thus, my dream is one very large AIO tank. Here's how the office would now look:

But what about the tank, you say? I'm glad you asked. The custom design would be all acrylic. 12 feet long by 3 feet wide and 24" tall. There would be two partitions in the tank: 1 back partition for the AIO chambers and 1 side partition for a display refugium. The main display would be 96" x 28" for a total of 280 gallon space. The display refugium would be 24" x 36" for a total of 90 gallon space. The back AIO chamber would be 96" x 8" to make space for 7" filter cups, some equipment, and a long cryptic refugium. And naturally, my dream tank would be wrasse dominant, but with the size I can add a few fish I'd always hoped to get one day, like a few tangs. Here is the sketch:

The main overflow will be wide and lead into two filter cups, passing through a baffle wall to the equipment chamber, followed by two baffle walls into the return chamber. There will be two overflows situated a bit higher on the right hand side leading into the display refugium. The overflows are higher to reduce the amount of flow going through the refugium so everything isn't blown around too much. Flow can be adjusted by raising or lowering the overflow covers. There is one return into a filter cup followed by a double baffle into a Cryptic refugium chamber. There should be pods galore in this tank with only one major pod-eater in the display refugium (ruby dragonet), and with mostly macros in the refugium and perhaps some corals, I will be able to add some less reef-safe fish like dwarf angels and a smaller butterfly. But what about maintenance!? Once again, glad you asked. Since this is a dream tank, I feel no reservation in pointing out that the whole tank will be placed on an industrial grade aluminum stand with machined rollers that roll the tank forward very smoothly a few feet so I can get around to the back. No expenses spared. That's amazing! But how are you going to get flow to cover that huge space when you have an entire side blocked by a refugium and the entire back blocked by an AIO? You're on a roll, my friend. The plan will be to build acrylic boxes on the backside of the AIO wall where powerhead magnets can be safely placed without being touched by water, kind of like overflow columns with no inlet or outlet for water. This will allow MP40s/60s or gyres to be place on the back walls safely. I can see that you're dazed. Fear not, once I hit the jackpot, you'll get to see the dream in action!

Here's a link to my real life tank thread:


I’m pedantic, ignore me
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Feb 3, 2022
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I'm voting for Frank, but don't want to miss the party! Also, this month's topic is just too good.

JoJo (a Serious reefer):

JoJo's No Funny Business Office Tanks​



My Dream Tank
To understand my dream tank, you need some visual guidance. First, my tanks at this time of life must reside in my office, not my home. Second, safety of the office is imperative, so every precaution possible should be taken to avoid disasters. Third, I have only the space of my office to work with. This is the current layout of my office:

Next, consider the dream. While I'm sure many would argue that a sump and proper plumbing is as safe as it comes, it is a simple fact that containing all water in ONE box is safer than two boxes. Thus, the safest option is an AIO with proper emergency overflows. In the event of clogs or nems covering overflows or anything else, the water just flows over the AIO wall back into the return chamber. No controllers with potential failures necessary (although there would still be controllers). Thus, my dream is one very large AIO tank. Here's how the office would now look:

But what about the tank, you say? I'm glad you asked. The custom design would be all acrylic. 12 feet long by 3 feet wide and 24" tall. There would be two partitions in the tank: 1 back partition for the AIO chambers and 1 side partition for a display refugium. The main display would be 96" x 28" for a total of 280 gallon space. The display refugium would be 24" x 36" for a total of 90 gallon space. The back AIO chamber would be 96" x 8" to make space for 7" filter cups, some equipment, and a long cryptic refugium. And naturally, my dream tank would be wrasse dominant, but with the size I can add a few fish I'd always hoped to get one day, like a few tangs. Here is the sketch:

The main overflow will be wide and lead into two filter cups, passing through a baffle wall to the equipment chamber, followed by two baffle walls into the return chamber. There will be two overflows situated a bit higher on the right hand side leading into the display refugium. The overflows are higher to reduce the amount of flow going through the refugium so everything isn't blown around too much. Flow can be adjusted by raising or lowering the overflow covers. There is one return into a filter cup followed by a double baffle into a Cryptic refugium chamber. There should be pods galore in this tank with only one major pod-eater in the display refugium (ruby dragonet), and with mostly macros in the refugium and perhaps some corals, I will be able to add some less reef-safe fish like dwarf angels and a smaller butterfly. But what about maintenance!? Once again, glad you asked. Since this is a dream tank, I feel no reservation in pointing out that the whole tank will be placed on an industrial grade aluminum stand with machined rollers that roll the tank forward very smoothly a few feet so I can get around to the back. No expenses spared. That's amazing! But how are you going to get flow to cover that huge space when you have an entire side blocked by a refugium and the entire back blocked by an AIO? You're on a roll, my friend. The plan will be to build acrylic boxes on the backside of the AIO wall where powerhead magnets can be safely placed without being touched by water, kind of like overflow columns with no inlet or outlet for water. This will allow MP40s/60s or gyres to be place on the back walls safely. I can see that you're dazed. Fear not, once I hit the jackpot, you'll get to see the dream in action!

Here's a link to my real life tank thread:
Joking joking. Awesome in depth write up! Good luck and may you get your dream tank someday!
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One tang per gallon
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Sep 27, 2021
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Orange County, CA
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I completely forgot to write about lighting, flow, filtration and control in my dream tank!

With 28" width, ideal would be a larger fixture oriented front-to-back. Orphek Natura Icon seems ideal with a spread fit for a 31.5"x24"x24" tank, so that would be 4 icons over the main display and an additional icon set to a refugium spectrum over the 24"x36" refugium. A bit less coverage in the refugium, but that should be OK. Can have some dimmer light macros in the back.

Flow, I think I'm just going to have to go with MP40s along the back wall, probably one for every foot or so.

For filtration, my preference is to go very simple with only a bit of GAC to cover leathers and any other toxins, and that's it. However, with a large tank and lots of fish, I'll reserve the right to getting a skimmer. Alternatively, I could make the equipment compartment an ouster bed and use oysters for filtration!

For control, I would go Hydros. A Minnow would dose my All For Reef, which I'll have to get in the super bulk direct package. I would also have 4 Hydros dosing pumps inside of a fridge dosing Reef Nutrition ROE, PacPods, PhytoFeast and RotiFeast. Sense ports would detect leaks, detect water levels that are too high or low, detect temp and activate heating or cooling (with an inkbird for redundancy). Testing will still be manual, so no need for a Maven. A Kraken or two would be used for cable management.

I'm sure I'm missing something. Might as well keep dreaming.

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