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Of course, what to do with all that space in the stand where a sump would be!? Phyto, pod, rotifer and amphipod culture station, plus mini fridge for the Reef Nutrition food. Hmm, only two sentences?I completely forgot to write about lighting, flow, filtration and control in my dream tank!
With 28" width, ideal would be a larger fixture oriented front-to-back. Orphek Natura Icon seems ideal with a spread fit for a 31.5"x24"x24" tank, so that would be 4 icons over the main display and an additional icon set to a refugium spectrum over the 24"x36" refugium. A bit less coverage in the refugium, but that should be OK. Can have some dimmer light macros in the back.
Flow, I think I'm just going to have to go with MP40s along the back wall, probably one for every foot or so.
For filtration, my preference is to go very simple with only a bit of GAC to cover leathers and any other toxins, and that's it. However, with a large tank and lots of fish, I'll reserve the right to getting a skimmer. Alternatively, I could make the equipment compartment an ouster bed and use oysters for filtration!
For control, I would go Hydros. A Minnow would dose my All For Reef, which I'll have to get in the super bulk direct package. I would also have 4 Hydros dosing pumps inside of a fridge dosing Reef Nutrition ROE, PacPods, PhytoFeast and RotiFeast. Sense ports would detect leaks, detect water levels that are too high or low, detect temp and activate heating or cooling (with an inkbird for redundancy). Testing will still be manual, so no need for a Maven. A Kraken or two would be used for cable management.
I'm sure I'm missing something. Might as well keep dreaming.