I have been in the hobby off and on since the late 1980s and have always been enamored by anemones. I went through phases of FOWLR, softies, LPS, and SPS but never felt like I had good luck with sustaining gorgeous tanks. My fondest "success story" was keeping two mags that grew over 18" and a yellow Fiji leather (> 24") under halides and due to negligence, I lost them years ago. Every time I'm on here, I thought maybe one day, I can have success and share with this community. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to secured haddoni carpets and last year a blue mag. Thought I share some pics here. Mag is in a 25G and the two haddonis are in 40G breeder. Hoping they still thrive and I know I need to get a bigger tanks one day. Sorry for the bad pics.