Need some fish stocking advise (Tangs) - 75 gallon reef tank


Grumpy old man
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Feb 11, 2019
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Yellow and bristle tooth are probably the easiest to get that to work with. I've got 5 tangs right now in 230 gallons and there has been some aggression, but eventually all the tangs ganged up on the angel and since I pulled the angel it's been peace.
Peace is nice and what I strive for. I hate watching fish fight. I have 8 tangs in an 84x30x25" tank with no aggression other than a occasional tail swipe. I've had most for a few years with one 8years. I'm hesitant to add any fish and disrupt the harmony but I do have a Niger in observation to give a try. He's small so I'm hopping it will go well. He'll probably be the last addition.


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I'm not posting this to encourage people to keep tangs in small tanks. But it is possible to have a couple in a smaller tanks with no aggresion. The right tangs are important as is the rock scape. I keep a yellow added as an adult and two spot bristle tooth that was a young adult I would say when added. They have been together a bit over 14 months the yellow was added first and I have never seen a single tail smack from either not even when feeding. They spend the entire day cruising around cleaning rocks. Tank is 36x22x22" I was just watching them last night and was amazed at how peaceful the tank is with these two fish so I decided to record a video. The only other fish are a piecefull sixline and an electric blue damsel that bothers no one but me. Video is rather long for posting but I was enjoying it so I didn't cut it too short. I will mention I do have a 7ft tank if things do go bad I can move fish around. I would not have attempted this if I didn't have the ability to move the fish out if needed. Tangs are my most valuable cuc members is why I attempted this. Any tank I keep with no tangs has an algae problem.

It's absolutely hilarious how they gang up only to run for the hills as soon as someone who knows what there talking about drops in. Passing out shame left and right while still wet behind the ears.
Why aren't they shaming you for a 36? Hmm...


Grumpy old man
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It's absolutely hilarious how they gang up only to run for the hills as soon as someone who knows what there talking about drops in. Passing out shame left and right while still wet behind the ears.
Why aren't they shaming you for a 36? Hmm...
I think its with good intention. People get emotional because they care. Many people will do it recklessly with out an actual plan and backup plan and it usually doesn't end well for the fish. Its not as easy as just tossing them all together and seeing how it goes which is what happens too often with people new to the hobby.
I was hesitant to post the video because I don't encourage keeping tangs in a small tank . Hopefully if someone is considering it they'll see my post and realize it takes planning with a backup plan.


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Its our jobs to care for and provide for our animals. No one was talking about the zoo as this is a fish form… maybe try to help someone on the thread for a change instead of trolling?
I’m very active on this forum, and usually when I post it’s seeking help or offering what little bit of knowledge I have. This guy posted asking if he can add some fish to HIS tank for HIS enjoyment and everyone gets on here telling him it’ll never work. All I was saying is if the guy has the fish and wants to add them to then why not? He said he plans on upgrading and someone immediately replies “that’ll probably never happen”. Like dude, do what you want, try it out, if it’s not working remove the fish not that hard. I tried to give the guy a recommendation to enjoy the tank how he sees fit instead of shutting down his idea right off the bat and I’m trolling?


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There are good reasons behind tank size recommendations. They've been in place for decades. You can place smaller tangs in a 4 footer without issue. But only a certain number of them. One is plenty for a 75. Even a 90. Your attitude reminds me of my kids when they were preteens. Well, one of them. The other would have known better. You have to be careful, as people WILL follow bad advise. In this case, I don't think it's a problem. I've given bad advise in the past, we all have. The difference here is you're acting out in a manner inconsistent with common sense. Just learn from your mistakes and move forward in a positive fashion.
I completely understand, I have a 112 with one tang. I responded to the other guy already where I explained the reason for saying what I said if you care. I’ve just never understood why people go so crazy if keeping fish in tanks when they literally pull them straight out of the ocean on a real reef and put them in a tank of any size and it’s no problem at all… just seems kinda ironic to me but idk I’ve never been known for intelligence, even in my graduating class in 2014… from Dartmouth


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I think its with good intention. People get emotional because they care. Many people will do it recklessly with out an actual plan and backup plan and it usually doesn't end well for the fish. Its not as easy as just tossing them all together and seeing how it goes which is what happens too often with people new to the hobby.
I was hesitant to post the video because I don't encourage keeping tangs in a small tank . Hopefully if someone is considering it they'll see my post and realize it takes planning with a backup plan.
Sounded like the op had an ok plan to me until he was bullied into submission. I think the language clearly shows the difference between the well intended and the ignorant. Oh well, I just jumped in to point out the obvious.


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I’m very active on this forum, and usually when I post it’s seeking help or offering what little bit of knowledge I have. This guy posted asking if he can add some fish to HIS tank for HIS enjoyment and everyone gets on here telling him it’ll never work. All I was saying is if the guy has the fish and wants to add them to then why not? He said he plans on upgrading and someone immediately replies “that’ll probably never happen”. Like dude, do what you want, try it out, if it’s not working remove the fish not that hard. I tried to give the guy a recommendation to enjoy the tank how he sees fit instead of shutting down his idea right off the bat and I’m trolling?
“Ever seen a 4,5,6,10,20 ft long tank sitting on the bottom of the ocean where tangs “naturally” live? Point being it doesn’t really matter what size tank you have it doesn’t compare at all to the fishes natural habitat so I say go for it, deal with the consequences however they come, if they do”

Thats what you said. It reads as “I don't care about any animal’s requirements” to me, which is why I called it trolling.

Looked to me like you just wanted to start an argument just to start one. If thats not your intent then I do apologize for what I said.

The way you explained it in your last post makes sense and I do see what you were actually trying to say now. Again I apologize for what I said, I didnt interpret it the way you actually meant. Hope you can accept my apology as I was in the wrong.

To OP, I said what I said because I didnt want you to learn the hard way about fish. Not working out. Learned this the hard way myself and just made a stocking mistake Im going to take care of. It sucks to watch a fish you put in kill another fish and know you did that and created that situation, I just didnt want that to happen to you. Was not trying to shoot you down at all, I should have worded it better.


Grumpy old man
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Sounded like the op had an ok plan to me until he was bullied into submission. I think the language clearly shows the difference between the well intended and the ignorant. Oh well, I just jumped in to point out the obvious.

These threads tends to go south and the OP suffers because of it. Seems to be a trend these days. I've offered what I have to offer. Happy reefing


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I I appreciate the constructive feedback from those who shared their insights. I’ve admittedly tuned out from the discussion a bit, as there are some who seem more interested in attacking others than offering helpful advice. When I posted, I was simply seeking guidance from the community.

As I mentioned in my original post, I’ve successfully kept two tangs (Scopas and Tomini) in my tank for three years, using an acclimation box for new fish introductions with 100% success.

Initially, I had no intention of adding three tangs, but when a dream fish became available and the other tang was still in QT, I floated the idea to gather feedback. I certainly wasn’t expecting such aggressive responses. I do have a backup plan to return the Tomini tang to my LFS for credit, and I would never intentionally harm my fish.

It’s unfortunate that some individuals quickly resort to attacking others when they disagree. I understand how passionate people are about this hobby, but that doesn’t justify this kind of behavior.

Can a mod please close this thread.


The Dude Abides
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I completely understand, I have a 112 with one tang. I responded to the other guy already where I explained the reason for saying what I said if you care. I’ve just never understood why people go so crazy if keeping fish in tanks when they literally pull them straight out of the ocean on a real reef and put them in a tank of any size and it’s no problem at all… just seems kinda ironic to me but idk I’ve never been known for intelligence, even in my graduating class in 2014… from Dartmouth
I hear ya brother. The way I look at it is this. There are fish, right now, in tanks that are way too small. Take Petco. You go into one of those stores and you'll see a full grown yellow tang in a 10g holding tank. Now, I tell myself that, when I buy a fish, I'm gonna give that life form the BEST possible chance to live out a good life. In a tank that's large enough to equate to some sort of room to maneuver, around other inhabitants that don't stress it out. The flip side to buying wild caught fish is just what you mentioned. When buying those, one can argue that no one has done it ANY favors by supporting the practice. But the end result is still the same. Just practicing good husbandry.

And good on ya for graduating Dartmouth! I kept In-State and graduated UW in 1991, after 9 or 10 years in academia. I graduated with one BS in Pharmacy, working with 345 credits. LOL, my skills at managing a distribution really sucked!!!! One more 5 credit class and I could have had a BS in Biology also. 10 more credits, a BS in Chemistry. But nooooooo! I was just floundering x7 years before I made up my mind! And that was actually my Dad that made the decision. He told me it was time to settle down, that I should be a Pharmacist and make a living (in a REALLY nice way). So I said OK. Good enough. It's been 33 years and I've been happy with it. And retirement is only a few years away!

And Sorry I harshed on ya man. Without face to face contact and body language, I have difficulty and take things at face value. Peace!

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