I started this obsession with aquatic enviroments in 1981 at the age of 10 and have had some sort of aquarium running ever since. I blame my uncle for it. I would curl up and sleep below is 100gl freshwater L that fascinated me every time we visited and as good parents do, they supported my addiction at a young age. At 16 i learned a hard lesson when i decided to convert to a FOWLER and as most 16yo do, thought i new it all, ignored the advice from my lfs and after 9months lost close to $500 in livestock. Fast forward 20 years and the bug bit me again only this time it was a reef tank. Much wiser and humble i put 6 months into reading and researching...joined a club based out of Atlanta and took the plunge...bought a used Solana, scrapped all but the tank and stand and went to town refitting it with what i had learned. After a year i ended up with this.