Howdy, I have a 32 gallon fluval tank thats been running for a year and half now and my corals keep dying. My LFS says my levels are good, and I test myself aswell. We both follow the bulk reef supply para chart and all my levels are mid range. My nitrate are around 30 but Ive been told zoas are fine with it.
I have 1 zoa which Ive had from the start and is still kicking but over the last couple months its shriveled a bit and has stopped growing but hasnt lost any color.
Everytime I get a new coral, I aclimate it, then put it in a little quarentine box inside my tank I use to make sure nothing picks at it for several weeks while settling into my tank.
The latest corals I picked up I had in the box for 3-4 weeks and were doing fine. (open and bright)
Once I took them out of the box and glue them onto the rocks they never opened. Its been 2 weeks now and they are closed and slightly melted. They also appear to have a slight brownish-green film/tinge on it, almost like theres algae growing on the coral. (this has happened several times before)
(I have other corals like a cabbage and a toadstool but im not worried about those right now as they appear to be fine and Im worred more about zoas as they are the easiest)
If I cant get zoas to grow somethings wrong
Any ideas?? all help is accepted. I want to put an end to my constant wasting money on dying corals that I can never find a solution.

I have 1 zoa which Ive had from the start and is still kicking but over the last couple months its shriveled a bit and has stopped growing but hasnt lost any color.
Everytime I get a new coral, I aclimate it, then put it in a little quarentine box inside my tank I use to make sure nothing picks at it for several weeks while settling into my tank.
The latest corals I picked up I had in the box for 3-4 weeks and were doing fine. (open and bright)
Once I took them out of the box and glue them onto the rocks they never opened. Its been 2 weeks now and they are closed and slightly melted. They also appear to have a slight brownish-green film/tinge on it, almost like theres algae growing on the coral. (this has happened several times before)
(I have other corals like a cabbage and a toadstool but im not worried about those right now as they appear to be fine and Im worred more about zoas as they are the easiest)
If I cant get zoas to grow somethings wrong
Any ideas?? all help is accepted. I want to put an end to my constant wasting money on dying corals that I can never find a solution.

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