Located in Long Beach, CA. No shipping atm. Pics on iphone under Nicrew light.
Zoa packs: All numbered rows are for sale (left to right, or right to left) All zoas are named left to right for each corresponding row.
Zoa packs: All numbered rows are for sale (left to right, or right to left) All zoas are named left to right for each corresponding row.
- $85 WWC Wild Flower triple, Scrambled Eggs double, Rainbow Incinerator, JF Frankies Acid Trips triple, Speckled Krakatoa.
- $110 Utter Chaos big polyp, WWC Wild Flower double, Jedi Mind Trick double, Speckled Krakatoa double, JF Frankies Acid Trips double, Rainbow Incinerator.
- $90 Scrambled Eggs, Jedi Mind Trick big polyp, Speckled Krakatoa, White Zombie, JF Frankies Acid Trips big polyp, Rainbow Incinerator.
- $85 Scrambled Eggs Double, Utter Chaos big polyp, Grim Reaper, Blue Rhino, Jedi Mind Tricks Triple.
- $100 Rainbow Incinerator big polyp, White Zombie big polyp, Utter Chaos big polyp, Jedi Mind Trick double, Beauty and the Beast, JF Frankies Acid Trip.
- $100 Beauty and the Beast double, Jedi Mindtrick double, Frankies Acid Trips triple, WWC Wild Flower big polyp, Speckled Krakatoa, Rainbow Incinerator.
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