Our Sale will continue due to popular demand! Your box hasn't gone out yet, and you want to add more corals at fantastic prices!? We got you! ASD FLASH SALE IS HERE!

ASD FLASH SALE will start SUN 5/2/21 at 10am PST (1pm EST) till 2pm PST (5pm EST)! We'll be releasing 1500+ Corals! Stay with us during this time to win FREE Gift Certificates during the sale!
Click the photo of the coral you like (will navigate you to our website), and check out! After first shipping fee is paid for, next orders just select "Shipping with Previous Web Order", so the site doesn't charge you again for freight.
Our Guarantee Policy is taped in each box, but you can find it here as well - https://aquasd.com/pages/policy
Our Shipping info can be viewed here - https://aquasd.com/pages/shipping
Tutorial for our Website here - https://aquasd.com/pages/website-faq-how-to-order
Some Teasers Below!