I'm selling my Black Red sea reefer 170 with a lot of extras. It comes with the below:
1. Red sea Tank and Stand with mesh top with feeder hole.
2. Black adaptive reef stand with all wiring
3. Clear water cw-50 turf scrubber
4. Klir di4 roller mat with extra rolls fitted on a custom 3d printed holder for the sump. (Cw50 sits on top of this so no extra space needed). Roller mats lasts me for a year and half. So they are very good.
5. Red sea skimmer 300 with auto skimmer security (can add the skim collector for free if needed)
6. Neptune apex EL with pm2 module and comes with all the sensors like temp, ph and salinity. No orp.
7. 2 x 300w heaters. BRS titanium and one backup.
8. Xp aqua duetto ATO
9. BRS carbon and gfo canisters with sicce pump
10. BRS CO2 scrubber with media
11. Currently running an orlushy dc pump, can throw in a backup vectra s1 pump.
12. 2 x Nero 5 pumps for flow
13. Live rock and live sand
14. Have a few livestock in the tank currently like a breeding pair of oscellaris clowns, a banggai cardinal, a diamond goby and a cleaner shrimp. I can just give them away with the tank or you can leave them here.
15. Red sea Reefled 90 with stand comes along with the tank.
16. Avast marine plank for auto feeding along with a neptune AFS. Can also add a dc feeder which I use during vacation.
17. 15 gallon ATO container
18. Small mixing station made from a bin.
The reason for selling this is that I have another reefer which is a 3xl900 which takes most of my time. So I'm not able to keep up with 2 tanks.
Local pickup only! Will not be parting any of this!
Full package only!

I'm selling my Black Red sea reefer 170 with a lot of extras. It comes with the below:
1. Red sea Tank and Stand with mesh top with feeder hole.
2. Black adaptive reef stand with all wiring
3. Clear water cw-50 turf scrubber
4. Klir di4 roller mat with extra rolls fitted on a custom 3d printed holder for the sump. (Cw50 sits on top of this so no extra space needed). Roller mats lasts me for a year and half. So they are very good.
5. Red sea skimmer 300 with auto skimmer security (can add the skim collector for free if needed)
6. Neptune apex EL with pm2 module and comes with all the sensors like temp, ph and salinity. No orp.
7. 2 x 300w heaters. BRS titanium and one backup.
8. Xp aqua duetto ATO
9. BRS carbon and gfo canisters with sicce pump
10. BRS CO2 scrubber with media
11. Currently running an orlushy dc pump, can throw in a backup vectra s1 pump.
12. 2 x Nero 5 pumps for flow
13. Live rock and live sand
14. Have a few livestock in the tank currently like a breeding pair of oscellaris clowns, a banggai cardinal, a diamond goby and a cleaner shrimp. I can just give them away with the tank or you can leave them here.
15. Red sea Reefled 90 with stand comes along with the tank.
16. Avast marine plank for auto feeding along with a neptune AFS. Can also add a dc feeder which I use during vacation.
17. 15 gallon ATO container
18. Small mixing station made from a bin.
The reason for selling this is that I have another reefer which is a 3xl900 which takes most of my time. So I'm not able to keep up with 2 tanks.
Local pickup only! Will not be parting any of this!
Full package only!

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