This happened to me. A major vendor on here put a new “minimum order” policy on their website but they didn’t update any of their eBay auctions with this infoWhat do you mean, like you place the order but they won't deliver it? Or just making you buy a certain amount to even place an order? Either way sounds scummy lol
I won 3 items, and paid for them along with the full shipping price.
They message me on ebay to confirm a ship date. I confirm the date.
On the afternoon of the ship date they didn’t message me on eBay…they called me on the phone…got my number through PayPal. I have never had an eBay seller for anything call me instead of using eBay message system. Red flag 1
Some kid is on the phone and says that “they ran the numbers and they are barley making any money on the order and I need to buy more coral or they won’t ship”
I was like what the heck. I won these auctions and I paid the sh charge.
He said it’s not worth it for them to bag and pack and ship the corals and they are barely making any money at this point and I need to buy more coral or they will cancel the auctions and refund me. Red flag 2.
I asked them why is this happening when I paid in full and you admit you are not making a lot, but you are still making money. He said I didn’t need the minimum shipping policy. I said there is nothing in the listing about that even intended fine print. He said it’s on their website. Red flag 3 I told them, you can put whatever you want on the website, that’s for website orders. eBay is it’s own thing and all the terms are in the auction and none of my auctions mention anything about a minimum order total needed to ship. He said it’s a new policy and they didn’t update eBay listings yet. Well…not my problem. I won legal auctions you can’t change the terms after
At this point I briefly considered ordering more just to be done with this. I asked, how much more do I need to spend for you guys to ship? He said ohhh just like one or two more corals. Anything extra really. Red flag 4. Sooo you have a “new policy” and can’t even tell me what the minimum is! At that point I said I’m not buying any more and he said something about the order will be canceled if I don’t buy more and we hung up.
I went to vendor feedback and posted this story and the vendor forum rep replied back promptly and said my order is being packed and will ship today as planned.
The next day my order arrived. Red flag 5. And I didn’t get the wysiwyg corals that I bought. I got discolored, crappier versions. And more than that, the number of heads was wrong! Clearly the wrong coral. I win a 4 head dendro colony, the bag has two corals on two plugs, a 2 head and a 1 head lol. All the corals were wrong head count. Bought 2 head fat head dendro, Got a 1 head.
And also got free aiptasia and hair algae that was not in the wysiwyg photos
If all came to me at once. They called me so I couldn’t report them to eBay. If they use the message system, it’s documented and I can report them for threatening to cancel my legal binding auction wins. So they called to prevent me from having evidence to report them.
When they were forced to sell the coral, that sold for less than they wanted, they substituted cheaper crappier versions.
I went back to my vendor feedback thread and started posting pics and let the forum rep know.
They refunded me for everything but the sh. So still I was out $40 and got 3 junk frags, nothing like what I wanted. Pale and dying.
What a nightmare. Never again