Good evening,
I'm looking for recommendations after discovering multiple parasites several months ago.
Remaining inhabitants:
3 x Barr Goby
2 x Gold Head Sleeper Goby
2 x Percula Clownfish
1 x FireFish
1 x Midas Blenny
All fish began flashing on 12/1/2022. Attempted to treat DT with Reef Medic and Prazi Pro.
Removed from DT 1/31/2023, freshwater dipped, moved to newly setup QT.
20 gallon long with dry substrate and rock, HOB filter, powerhead, heater and air stone.
Parasite assessment and symptoms: Ich (salt grain sized spots, would disappear after a day), internal parasites (white stringy poop), flukes (flashing gills, nose, face).
Copper power maintained 2.0+ level for 30 days measured with hanna tester.
4 x doses of General Cure administered according to directions.
4 x prazipro administered according to directions.
Gill flashing continued.
Began hypo salinity 1.009 on 4/5/2023, no signs of stress, aggressively eating, plan to leave in hypo for one week total.
If no improvement would formalin be the next step?
I'm looking for recommendations after discovering multiple parasites several months ago.
Remaining inhabitants:
3 x Barr Goby
2 x Gold Head Sleeper Goby
2 x Percula Clownfish
1 x FireFish
1 x Midas Blenny
All fish began flashing on 12/1/2022. Attempted to treat DT with Reef Medic and Prazi Pro.
Removed from DT 1/31/2023, freshwater dipped, moved to newly setup QT.
20 gallon long with dry substrate and rock, HOB filter, powerhead, heater and air stone.
Parasite assessment and symptoms: Ich (salt grain sized spots, would disappear after a day), internal parasites (white stringy poop), flukes (flashing gills, nose, face).
Copper power maintained 2.0+ level for 30 days measured with hanna tester.
4 x doses of General Cure administered according to directions.
4 x prazipro administered according to directions.
Gill flashing continued.
Began hypo salinity 1.009 on 4/5/2023, no signs of stress, aggressively eating, plan to leave in hypo for one week total.
If no improvement would formalin be the next step?