Hopefully all goes well! I added the fimbriated after being so successful with the white eyed. He never bothers anything, even left all the little damsels alone. The fimbriated took out a lot:Oh wow! I waz going to get one of those as my last eel edition but heard lots of stories and my two fang tooth eels are amazing so why tempt it lol. My last eel edition is going to be a skeletor. Hope this experience with @Dr. Reef is better than the first time I tried them. Excited about the eel
2 blue devil damsels
2 smithi damsels
3 Neopomacentrus azysron
2 Neopomacentrus cyanomos (1 survivor who has so far avoided the eel and the grouper)
1 ambon damsel
1 red breasted wrasse
1 hardwickes wrasse
1 Harlequin Basslet
1 neon dottyback.
I figured he may catch the damsels and the dottyback, but thought the others were too large. Also have my male clarkii clown in the sump recovering after he attempted to consume it and failed. It was a miracle he survived, and he has a long road to a full recovery, if he ever gets there.