I've been frantically going through this forum to try and save my moribund clownfish but had no luck unfortunately. My clownfish has died and I have no clue why after extensive testing.
Tank is about 2 and a half months old or so. I've had my clowns for a little over a month. Currently experiencing a second wave of either diatoms, dino's or possibly a mix of both with clouded water (seems like either dinos or diatoms in the water column is causing the cloudiness as carbon did not help).
Ammonia 0 (kit reads 0.25 but that's the lowest reading)
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 8PPM
Temp 78
Salinity 1.25
PH 8.2
Soft corals (leather, zoa, gsp)
4x Dalmatian Mollies (Saltwater acclimated)
1x Turbo Snail
1x Conch
2x Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
2x Nassarius Snails
Clownfish appeared pale around mouth and front fins - almost translucent like I could see light through the fishes mouth. The clownfish was having issues swimming properly and kept swimming itself down and would occasionally get stuck on live rock before death. Before it died I put it in breeder box to prevent it from getting stuck to a filter or wave maker but that didn't end up mattering.
The breeder box has a few baby mollies in it that I separated to prevent their demise.
I suspect it had some internal parasite or maybe flukes? Toward the very end it would occasionally do a burping esque motion with its mouth. No other fish in the tank show signs of infection.
All of the fish in the tank except the mollies came from a local LFS that seemingly had healthy fish. The mollies came from freshwater in Petco but were acclimated to salt by me with success. This particular petco does not stock saltwater so I don't believe they brought in any diseases.
This tank is fairly new so I didn't quarantine the clowns as I figured if they had something symptoms would show up early enough that I could treat the fish before adding coral, but they didn't have any symptoms so I added my corals in the last week, with the latest being the zoa's a couple days ago. The zoa's are the only coral that came from a different source and I had dipped them before adding them to the tank.
Any ideas what could've happened with this fish? I don't want anything else to die if I can avoid it again in the future - I've never had a clownfish go from seemingly healthy overnight and then die within 12 hours (I've had a few different tanks over my life and successfully was keeping acropora at one point).
Attached is a set of photos after the clownfishes death, as well as a video from when it was moribund.
Thank you so much for your help!

Tank is about 2 and a half months old or so. I've had my clowns for a little over a month. Currently experiencing a second wave of either diatoms, dino's or possibly a mix of both with clouded water (seems like either dinos or diatoms in the water column is causing the cloudiness as carbon did not help).
Ammonia 0 (kit reads 0.25 but that's the lowest reading)
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 8PPM
Temp 78
Salinity 1.25
PH 8.2
Soft corals (leather, zoa, gsp)
4x Dalmatian Mollies (Saltwater acclimated)
1x Turbo Snail
1x Conch
2x Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
2x Nassarius Snails
Clownfish appeared pale around mouth and front fins - almost translucent like I could see light through the fishes mouth. The clownfish was having issues swimming properly and kept swimming itself down and would occasionally get stuck on live rock before death. Before it died I put it in breeder box to prevent it from getting stuck to a filter or wave maker but that didn't end up mattering.
The breeder box has a few baby mollies in it that I separated to prevent their demise.
I suspect it had some internal parasite or maybe flukes? Toward the very end it would occasionally do a burping esque motion with its mouth. No other fish in the tank show signs of infection.
All of the fish in the tank except the mollies came from a local LFS that seemingly had healthy fish. The mollies came from freshwater in Petco but were acclimated to salt by me with success. This particular petco does not stock saltwater so I don't believe they brought in any diseases.
This tank is fairly new so I didn't quarantine the clowns as I figured if they had something symptoms would show up early enough that I could treat the fish before adding coral, but they didn't have any symptoms so I added my corals in the last week, with the latest being the zoa's a couple days ago. The zoa's are the only coral that came from a different source and I had dipped them before adding them to the tank.
Any ideas what could've happened with this fish? I don't want anything else to die if I can avoid it again in the future - I've never had a clownfish go from seemingly healthy overnight and then die within 12 hours (I've had a few different tanks over my life and successfully was keeping acropora at one point).
Attached is a set of photos after the clownfishes death, as well as a video from when it was moribund.
Thank you so much for your help!