Thank you for kind words.
When I was operating AquaCulture Ranch in a greenhouse, I purchased 200 lbs a month of diver collected live rock for almost a year, so I still have a lot of dry rock needing inoculation as
“designer live rock”. To that end, Aquadome in Austin has partnered with me to sell designed live rock. I am growing out sustainable corals & ornamental seaweeds to place on select live rocks with GOM/Florida/Caribbean biodiversity. At present, I am displaying select live rock with two NPS gorgonions (red & yellow) for advanced reefers and for newbies GSP & Red Sea pulsing Xenia with red & green macro algae assortment..
I set up this 55G tank as a tumble culture and am now dealing with a phytoplankton bloom. Thus a 36W UV sterilizer
Sounds like an interesting endeavor. Is the goal to offer well seeded live rock but have more control what is on it then the ocean? In terms of hitchhikers etc.
I do wish LFS would seed their live rock in an environment that it would be covered in coralline.