Sure thing!
"Dive" should be used loosely... more like "snorkeled".
Unfortunately, neither myself nor Rick who went with me were certified. But it was still a blast!
The only problem was that some weather had come through before we went out and man, everything was so churned up... it was pea soup under there! Made the barking noises from the Goliath Grouper (Jewfish) even more creepy. LOL So unfortunately no pics of the farm floor.
There was one other guy I knew of that I believe had been out with Richard. He was on ReefCentral and had a couple youtube vids. Went by the name of Cuzza. There's at least one there showing the Walt Smith rock getting nicely seeded.
Here's Rick and Richard walking out the boat in the wee hours of the morning...
Looking back at the sun coming up as we headed out into the bay...
The LEGEND at the helm
Here's Rick working one of the lines over the farm
Yours truly just floating in the middle of the ocean like an idiot, taking a selfie.
Rick looking through the muck, trying to find Richard...
Oh, there he is... we think!
Pulling out the treasure before dumping into vats of water.
Job well done, time to head back...