Tank birthday, 47+ years

Paul B

Paul B

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My linguine and clam sauce was a big hit. 2 pounds went. My bread was also very good and out of 2 loaves, I only have one tiny piece left for breakfast.

It is cold today and the ground is covered in alternating layers of snow and ice and it's very windy.

Going walking now after I load up on anti inflammation medication. Arthur is killing me. Thats Arthur Itis. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
Paul B

Paul B

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I was correct about the snow we got. They predicted 5" and we got about a fifth of an inch and a lot of ice. Right now it is 20 degrees and very windy, so the little snow is flying all over the ice. I am going for my walk but I think I will carry one of my old boat anchors in case a gust of wind carries me into the woods and crashes me into an old oak tree with a yellow ribbon tied around it or antique Oldsmobile that has been stranded for 30+ years.

You never know.
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You & I both know Arther. This morning, it’s 19 degrees on my north poach with clear night sky’s and no wind.

Enjoy your blizzard. I am going to warm up the house and make a chicken & sausage gumbo.
A Cajun Aggie in Austin.


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Currently 64 in South Florida but feels like 58. Glad I'm not up North anymore. Walked the dog in shorts earlier although did have to deal with a light drizzle. Supposedly winter our dry season but hasn't felt like that.

Don't know how you guys deal with cold on an advancing age. Know for sure I'm not shoveling snow. That got old quick and at that time young and able.
Paul B

Paul B

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Know for sure I'm not shoveling snow. That got old quick and at that time young and able.
I'm also not shoveling which is one reason we downsized to this condo. They shovel right up to my front door.
No more cutting grass, painting or pulling weeds either.

I do however collect my own water. I can't get the condo association to go for that. :anguished-face:

And as a perk, I have this in my back yard.

And this in the front. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:



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Does Paul have a new record lol? @revhtree @AlyciaMarie Longest single thread on Reef2Reef!:rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: He deserves a badge haha. Over 10,000 replies lol! We love you Paul and your tanks and your interesting/traditional approach to reefing. And I for one like hearing your life stories.:beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
A badge... look at the photo above your post... the guy is driving his jeep through a mall... a ticket maybe, but not a badge.
Paul B

Paul B

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Does you condo association supply bacon?
I never asked, but I'm sure they would supply some if I asked. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:

And I for one like hearing your life stories.:beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
What life stories? Every one of my posts is 100% about fish. Never any life stories. :rolleyes:

Does Paul have a new record lol? @revhtree @AlyciaMarie Longest single thread on Reef2Reef!:rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: He deserves a badge haha. Over 10,000 replies lol!
I have no idea if that is a record and didn't even know it had 10,000 replies until you mentioned it. I don't pay much attention to these things. I'm just here for fun and may start posting something about fish some day.

Today I did buy 2 small urchins and a big snail. No fish though.

I bought a tuxedo urchin last week and in one day it croaked. I don't know if it got a heart attack, figured it was over dressed, the heartbreak of psoriasis or just got the horrors seeing all those healthy fish. I know I wasn't playing any Rap music so maybe he had appendicitis or a kidney stone. I will never know.

I do know my new book (not about fish) got 2 five star reviews and all profits, if there are any will go to Wounded Warriors because I feel that is a noble cause.

I was going to give it to BeanAnimal but he would just ask for a copper fish.
(which by the way he isn't getting) :oops: I don't even have one except this porcupine fish.

Don't tell Bean I gave this one away to my friends wife because she liked it.

In a few days I am going to collect some water here. This time of the year there shouldn't be to much fertilizer in the water but Dorithy Hammil has to stop skating on the pier so I have room to collect. :drooling-face:



Seahorse whisperer
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Dorothy Hamill probably has Arthur itis too so she may not be skating when you collect water.
It was 8° in northern Pgh, PA this morning with 5" of new snow. I was shocked that we actually got some as I expected the rain that you expected. My hubby and I got the driveway and sidewalk/patio shoveled in about half an hour and the blacktop is showing now!
Paul B

Paul B

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Dorothy Hamill probably has Arthur itis too so she may not be skating when you collect water.
Oh OK, maybe it was JoJo Starbuck. They all look the same on skates.

I am considering going walking but it is pitch dark, 20 degrees, windy and all I can see is a road that looks like a glacier. It seems like a herd of Polar Bears spent the night dancing the Macarana all night leaving the frozen snow like craters on the moon. :oops: I will wait until it gets a little lighter so I can see if there are any mountain goats with fractured hips before I go out because it doesn't look like I could walk out there and I am not a Snowflake Sissy person with athlete's foot.

My wife frowns when I break a bone and I don't have many that I didn't already break. Maybe I will just go into my workshop and make copper anglerfish like Man :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
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Paul B

Paul B

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It used to snow a lot here in New York and I made a lot of money plowing it.

That day we woke up on a Monday to 18" of snow and it wasn't predicted. This was about 1974.

I made about $1,800.00 that day and in 1974, that was like 2 months salary today.
I drove on a normally jammed but now deserted highway to the Chrysler building where I was working in Manhattan and I parked on the sidewalk. There was not one person or one car on the road because there was no 4 wheel drives then unless you had a Military Willys Jeep like I had.

Then I drove home, plowing the Grand Central Parkway all the way and I took a short cut through the New York Worlds Fair on the way.

This was my back yard


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I read the entire thread. It took me a couple days since I didn't have the time to sit and read in its entirety at one setting.

I know this is a "fish" related thread, however, I feel the need to pay respect. The contributions he has made to this hobby and obviously this thread, are second to none. His insight, humor, dedication and most of all, honesty made the read quite entertaining. I laughed. I took a moment to pause reading his Viet Nam experiences. I felt sympathy. I smiled. I may have wiped a tear from my eye as well. Some of the experiences Paul has endured, brought back memories, some happy, some sad...

I must add, it is an honor to have read what Paul has written and the responses from the many contributors to this thread.

My hat is off to you Paul and I salute my friend as a fellow Veteran. You are a true Patriot!!

I had the honor and privilege to volunteer for the Honor Flight that flew out of Michigan, the same one Paul was invited to. I volunteer as medical staff with the Talons Out Honor Flight organization and assist the Veterans at the airport prior to departing and then upon returning. I was unable to go on that flight, I wish I had and I may have been able to meet Paul in person.

Any way, I feel as if I am rambling. I hope all that are reading this thread have a blessed day, keep your heads up and most of all... REEF ON!!

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