Looking for clarity on using the Hanna checker in qt. I have qt set up and have a Seachem ammonia badge, and Salifert test also. Salifert usually shows less than 0.15 so was looking for something with more detail. Understand that Hanna checks total ammonia not just the toxic that the badge measures. With the Hanna checker would I just be monitoring for an increase over baseline/prior day? Wondering what value on Hanna is concerning.
On a different tank yesterday, Hanna tested 0.27 and 0.25. Freshly made salt water 0.10. After a 30% water change it was 0.20.
Just tested a qt tank that isn’t as established and has anthias. I know this tank will need frequent water changes. The Seachem badge is showing yellowish, Salifert less than 0.15 and Hanna 0.44. I am preparing a small water changes.
Appreciate the thoughts/input.
On a different tank yesterday, Hanna tested 0.27 and 0.25. Freshly made salt water 0.10. After a 30% water change it was 0.20.
Just tested a qt tank that isn’t as established and has anthias. I know this tank will need frequent water changes. The Seachem badge is showing yellowish, Salifert less than 0.15 and Hanna 0.44. I am preparing a small water changes.
Appreciate the thoughts/input.