Well, I have been involved in reefing for a lot of years. Have experimented with all kinds of approaches and after my last crash, I have gone back to simple and careful. the tank has been very stable for well over a year. I started reaquiring frags about a year ago and I have seen some wonderful growth and color and so I wanted to share as well as track my own progress. Many of my frags originated with reefers on this forum, so thank you to all of those reefers. I got a new camera but not a macro lens so some of my photos will not be all that great. I also have a bow front tank so sometimes it is impossible to get a front view shot because of the distortion in the bow glass. But I think most photos are good enough to appreciate the color and growth of some of these coral. I have tried very very hard to keep colors accurate and unmanipulated as much as possible. My adjustments have been primarily exposure and white balance.
just a cool shot of a few corals
colors did not come out well, this is really bright green body with bluish purple tips, oh well.
I try never to pick up maricultured corals but here is an exception, I was helping out a friend who got stuck with too many from too good a deal.
A small frag of vivid's tricolor prostrata
Another no namer, from Vivid's as well.
Strawberry shortcake, it may be the uc version, I am not sure but will check
Tyree orange setosa, an oldie but goodie (maybe not that old). This colony has really neat growth pattern. I have multiple colonies throughout my tank and they grow and color differently depending on flow and light.
tyree lime in the sky
tyree fire and ice, a little bit weird angle so the coloring looks strange in the photo because of the shading
This is a second frag of tyree fire and ice from a different source and it is just beginning to grow.
just a cool shot of a few corals

colors did not come out well, this is really bright green body with bluish purple tips, oh well.

I try never to pick up maricultured corals but here is an exception, I was helping out a friend who got stuck with too many from too good a deal.

A small frag of vivid's tricolor prostrata

Another no namer, from Vivid's as well.

Strawberry shortcake, it may be the uc version, I am not sure but will check

Tyree orange setosa, an oldie but goodie (maybe not that old). This colony has really neat growth pattern. I have multiple colonies throughout my tank and they grow and color differently depending on flow and light.

tyree lime in the sky

tyree fire and ice, a little bit weird angle so the coloring looks strange in the photo because of the shading

This is a second frag of tyree fire and ice from a different source and it is just beginning to grow.