I am still struggling with insane high nitrates & i still don’t know the reason why.
I don’t feed alot. I have 8 small-medium sized fish in a 50g tank (2x clown, 1x links goby, 1x midas blenny, 1x lawnmower blenny, 1x pink streaked wrasse, 1x fridmani basslet, 1x dwarf flame angel) & a clean up crew of about 8 snails & 3 hermit crabs.
My skimmer takes about 2 days to fill a cup & i am dosing nopox & tried vodka/vinegar for a while now but nothing helps except huge water changes. But nitrates creep up after that again.
Are there any steps that i can test or i should do before i make the decision to remove fish?
Should i vacuum my sand thoroughly or something? I removed my filter socks because i hated them & changed to floss in filter cups. I change the floss every day.
Note that my tank had high nitrates even before i added fish so i’m starting to think something is wrong with my bacteria household.
I have about 20kg of rock & 2liters of biospheres in my AIO sump.
Please help me because idk what to do anymore..
I’m talking about 75ppm or higher
phosphate usually drops down to 0,02 in about 1-2 days so i dose phosphate to help remove nitrate.
I will answer every question honestly so you can help me the best

I am still struggling with insane high nitrates & i still don’t know the reason why.
I don’t feed alot. I have 8 small-medium sized fish in a 50g tank (2x clown, 1x links goby, 1x midas blenny, 1x lawnmower blenny, 1x pink streaked wrasse, 1x fridmani basslet, 1x dwarf flame angel) & a clean up crew of about 8 snails & 3 hermit crabs.
My skimmer takes about 2 days to fill a cup & i am dosing nopox & tried vodka/vinegar for a while now but nothing helps except huge water changes. But nitrates creep up after that again.
Are there any steps that i can test or i should do before i make the decision to remove fish?
Should i vacuum my sand thoroughly or something? I removed my filter socks because i hated them & changed to floss in filter cups. I change the floss every day.
Note that my tank had high nitrates even before i added fish so i’m starting to think something is wrong with my bacteria household.
I have about 20kg of rock & 2liters of biospheres in my AIO sump.
Please help me because idk what to do anymore..
I’m talking about 75ppm or higher
phosphate usually drops down to 0,02 in about 1-2 days so i dose phosphate to help remove nitrate.
I will answer every question honestly so you can help me the best