Wondering if anybody else with a paired goby/pistol shrimp has experienced this. We got a yellow watchman goby last Wednesday and put him in the tank with a tiger pistol at the same time. They hit it off within 30 min and paired. BFFs. Later that night, the shrimp took off and made a burrow with sand in one of the teeny openings of a rock near the back corner of the tank. The watchman sat in the spot where him and the shrimp would hang out all lonely for like a day since the shrimp took off. Then he also just disappeared and we haven’t seen either of them in like 3 days, not even at feeding times. My husband said he last saw the watchman near the burrow the shrimp took off to and made so I’m wondering if watchman found where the shrimp went and if they’re tucked away hidden and somehow food is flowing into where they are and we’re just not seeing them because they don’t need to come out for food. Is this normal?