tang aggression

  1. J

    Tang aggression towards new gobies

    Hi all! I recently bought two little green clown gobies and added them to my tank. My young Tomini Tang who is normally super chilled and gets on with everyone is trying to hunt these new little gobies down. They’re good at hiding but I fear he’ll eventually catch and kill them. Would you...
  2. static416

    My only tang, Powder Blue, is attacking the Foxface. Get another tang? - VIDEO

    Recently got a large Powder Blue tang for my 5 foot, 160gal display. Taken out of QT and added about a week ago. It's probably 7 inches long to the tail. Very pretty, and fat. Right now it's the only tang in the tank, and it's taken to beating up the next-largest fish. My Magnificent Foxface...
  3. N11morales

    Tang compatibility- Waterbox tank

    Hello I just came across a local who’s selling their Water box infinia frag 125.4 Tank dimensions are 48.2" × 25.3" × 16.1 Would it be okay to have a Tomini and scopas in this tank? Or if possible any tang recommendations to go with these 2? He currently has the Tomini and planned to move my...
  4. TinnysReef

    Biota Tangs Fighting!!!

    I introduced my baby Biota yellow tangs to my display tank last week. They're still relatively small, just under 2". Everyone was doing great, getting along - there are 9 of them in a 7' long tank with lots of hiding places. There were mild posturing but no real fights going on until last night...
  5. Cole_Voeller

    Tang Aggression

    Hello all! So I have some fishies in a copper QT tank right now, a Purple Tang, a Blue Hippo Tang, and a Squaretail Tang. I added the blue hippo and an emperor angel first, but took the emperor out due to not wanting to spead lymphs. Next I added the purple tang, who is buddy buddy with the blue...
  6. SCH14

    Sohal or Unicorn Tang?

    Hey everyone, Alright so I have a 10” blue spine unicorn tang. I’ve had him for a while and eats out of my hand. He’s in my 310g which I plan to add a big blonde Naso and 4-5 other smaller tangs. (Achilles, gem, purple, blue hippo, maybe white tail) I have someone interested in buying the...
  7. shawnriv

    Yellow Tang and Convict Tang

    Hello All, I am looking to add a second tang to my 125G reef tank. I have a small BIOTA yellow tang currently that’s been with me for about four months. He’s been a great fish and been a model tank mate. I’ve always wanted a convict tang and was thinking of purchasing one to add to my tank...
  8. jacqueline1989

    Dwarf Angelfish and Tangs?

    I have a 125g with 4 clowns, yellow watchman, powder blue tang, and a purple tang. I just added a multicolor angelfish about less than an hour ago and it's getting picked on by both tangs. I've had a dwarf angelfish and tangs together before, but this never happened. I turned on the blue light...
  9. T

    (Closed) 2 Spot Bristletooth - Orlando FL - $120

    This Bristletooth is one of the calmest, kindest fish I’ve owned and extremely non territorial. Unfortunately, this did not work well with my Gem Tang. The Gem was bullying him, but given some time alone and he should heal his fins. He’s a gorgeous fish and extremely non-aggressive. I’m...
  10. T

    Two Spot Bristletooth bullied badly

    Randomly, my gem tang decided to beat up my Bristletooth Tang for 1-2 days straight. The aftermath is pretty bad. The gem tang has been quarantined to the sump and the rock work has been overhauled to break up any territory crap. Can anyone help me help this guy make a proper recovery?
  11. enlighten

    Naso Tang tank size requirements

    I was looking these up on Live aquaria and min tank size says 180 gallons. However most have told me they need a bigger tank, 300+. The tank is a Visio 210, 6 x 2 x 30" deep. What is your experience keeping a naso tang, what other tangs did you have it with, what tank size? Appreciate all the...
  12. MooreTankMoreProblems

    Tang Re-introduction suggestions after Fallow period.

    Greetings everyone, So by the title, you already know we’re currently in a fallow… (80 day mark is set for 12/21) So hopefully I can start re-adding back my fish from QT and no more issues pop up again… First tank background, I have a 96”x36”x30” main display and a plumbed in 6ft/140g ish frag...
  13. joe_sharkk

    Majestic Angel + Powder Brown Tang

    Hello, I have a 300 gallon FOWLR. It has baby horn shark (it’ll be moved to a 500 gallon in a year or 2), a 5 inch miniatus grouper, a Niger trigger, a powder brown tang, a blue ribbon eel, a clown that came with the tank who holds his own well, and a 4 inch hi fin snapper. Everyone’s been...
  14. SCH14

    Should I try an Achilles tang?

    Have a 310 gallon 96 x 31 x 25 Current stock is 4x reef chomis I’d like to hear stories of everyone keeping their Achilles tangs. I’ve read tons of posts/articles and watched hours of videos and talked to a few LFS. Can’t decide if I want to take my chances- seems even the most expert level...
  15. A

    Juvenile Vlamingi Tang darting, flashing, hiding, and changing colors

    Hi, I’ve had this Vlamingi Tang for a couple months now and he has been a family favorite. He is super friendly, eats aggressively, gets along with tank mates (Invited my Vampire Tang to school with him and other fish after a day), and overall a super great fish. He has never shown any negative...
  16. shawnriv

    Whitetail Bristletooth Tang or Tomini Tang? (Poll)

    hello all, i’m looking to add a tang to my 130G four foot tank. I’m interested in a whitetail bristletooth tang or a tomini tang. please let me know your experiences. thanks!
  17. jacqueline1989

    Powder Blue and Purple Tang in one tank???

    I have a 120 gallon FOWLR tank and it's 6 feet long. I have live rock with quite a few caves! I love purple tangs so much, but I love powder blues as well. They would be the only big fish in the tank as I only have 4 clownfish and a yellow watchman with plans to get a midas blenny and some kind...
  18. Skunk Shrimp

    Yellow eyed Kole tang vs Diamond watchman goby

    Hello, Been having some trouble with my kole tang bullying or at least we think he is.) When we first put the kole tang it was fine but after awhile we couldn't find our Goby (paired with pistol shrimp) for a day we have lots of hiding spots so i figured I see the goby tomorrow. During the...
  19. A

    Tang Agression towards other fish

    Hi all, I have recently (last 6 months or so) started in the hobby, I have a 600 litre (130 Gallon) tank. Until last week we had two clownfish, a blue cheek goby, a fire fish and a fox face and all got along extremely well with no real aggression whatsoever. Last week we bought a gem tang...
  20. CincyReefer07

    Tangs Bullying Eel

    Has anyone ever experience fish bullying an eel? I put a 20 inch long zebra moray eel into my 8 foot long 310 gallon mixed reef Saturday afternoon and as soon as my gem and pair of yellow tangs see my zebra eels head start to pop out of any rock cave or crevice they go after it turning sideways...
  21. Lago

    Hippo Tang Aggression Research Survey

    Please note: I would like to hear what your hippo tang in specific has done and would like to avoid what any other tangs have done in your tank, thank you for your participation. Hello all, I'm currently an undergrad student trying to conduct independent research on tang aggression. More...
  22. A

    Two tangs in a 55 Gallon

    Hey Guys… So I’m looking for advice on how best to add a small sailfin desjardini tang to a 55g tank that already has a tomini tang that I’ve had for a year. I already have the sailfin in QT and he’s eating well, and is ready to go into the DT. I’m obviously really nervous about adding a second...
  23. E

    Sohal tang addition

    Hello, I have a 5 month old Fowlr tank that only has 3 fish. A 4 inches powder brown tang , a 6 inches scopas tang and a 7 inches foxface. I am thinking about adding a sohal tang and I would like to know what would be the largest tang I could get. Could the tang be 12 inches or would the size...
  24. Muffin87

    Two 10G for quarantining up 3 tangs together

    I'm quite restricted in terms of space, so I'm planning to buy two 10G tanks (20" long x 10" wide x 12” high) to quarantine up to 3 tangs at the same time. Would this work for quarantine, or am I just asking for big stress/aggression issues? Thanks! P.S. My DT is a 5 ft 100G. I want to...
  25. airvicconcre

    Tank tang confusion #reefsquad

    Hello all. #reefsquad I have a pretty new system with juvenile fish. I have a 150g DT with 2 Vlamingii (will remove soon) 1 Pacific sailfin tang, a regal tang and 2 lawnmover blennies (which are so graceful to watch) my lfs has a new stock, he has a couple of tangs that interests me such as...