Tank birthday, 47+ years

Paul B

Paul B

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Can you post pictures of it again they are unavailable on my end. I would love to see that tank
Pictures of what? My book or tank?

My tank is just a normal softie tank.

It looked much better before I removed all the invasive sponge. I had to trim a lot of corals, especially gorgonians to do that, but it is growing back.

Paul B

Paul B

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Thank you. I kind of like it. No maintenance so it basically takes care of itself. I stopped getting SPS after my invasive sponge covered and killed almost all of it. This is much easier and less time consuming. I also like the movement of the LPS.

Paul B

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Glad you're feeling better!
Thank you Katrina. I kind of felt like I had ich with a little Brooklina (whatever that is)

Now I will start eating again as I am still just slightly weak. But losing that weight in that short of time will do that. :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
Paul B

Paul B

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Yeah, thats why I stopped modeling to. :rolleyes:
I want to put this weight back on so Ice cream for dinner. I am thinner than when I got married 50 years ago and just a little skinnier than I want to be, not that anyone would call me skinny. But does anyone have Jenny Craig's number. Maybe she wants a spokesmodel to replace Marie Osmond. :p

I realize she may be a little better looking than I am. :rolleyes:

When I went to the doctor, he told me I need Pediacure for electrolytes. I told him I'm an electrician so don't need it.
Paul B

Paul B

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I just went to that page 28 in 2014 to see what it was about. I must have been in a good mood, because I posted this:

Last night I was watching TV (no Sissy reality shows or anything like that) and my reef is next to my couch. I looked over at the tank and got the horrors.

The water had the same visibility as the East River that passes Manhattan. It was white with detritus. Then I noticed the problem. The copperband was having a rumble with the fireclown. Those two never got along and both grew up in the tank, but the fireclown is over 20 years old and the copperband is only a couple of years old so he is in better shape, but the clown is more experienced, has more friends and is meaner.

The copperband grew a little large for the 6' tank and he likes to take long swims completely around the tank while the fireclown is a home body and just wants to lay in his Grand Marnier bottle and entice the female who is a real Babe, but she is a tease.

This time, the copperband took a short cut which took him practically into the Grand Marnier bottle and the clown went berserk. He was hissing and snarling while the copperband was pointing his dorsal spines at him, they spun around and dug a big hole out of the gravel, detritus was everywhere and it looked like the snow storm we had a few weeks ago.

The rest of the fish just sat and watched in awe, waiting for a nice amphipod to become dislodged from the ruckus. Both fish emerged unscathed but I could tell they were both out for blood. Everything is calmed down now and I think they are waiting for me to leave as I can see the copperband sneaking up in the dark behind the bottle. There are some dark places in my tank where there are no torch corals and the copperband knows these places.

The bluestriped pipefish are staying on the far side of the tank as they don't have much defense from these two, larger fish and most of the hermit crabs are staying inside their shells. No one seems to know when another rumble will begin or who will come out victorious.


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There is practically nothing about fish tanks in this thread. I really don't know what it's about. :thinking-face:
It's mainly you taking about supermodels,aches,pains,remenicing about adventures of your life and crack the odd joke.
Very entertaining. Love this thread because it's not about what light schedule to run, how often to change water or how to automate everything around the hobby.
But seriously you should write your memoirs, would be an awesome read.
Paul B

Paul B

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Love this thread because it's not about what light schedule to run, how often to change water or how to automate everything around the hobby.
But seriously you should write your memoirs, would be an awesome read.
I can list lighting schedules, how often to change water and automate everything but I don't do any of those things or have anything that vaguely resembles a schedule.

I change water ,"sometimes" when the mood hits me and I feel like either mixing fake water or driving to the beach to collect it. I like collecting it better.

Especially when I collect it in a storm. Wow, I lost 30 lbs since then, now I could be a spokes model for Jenny Craig.

I "automate" my lights with a $8.00 timer but I don't change the time for Daylight Savings time and the time varies an hour or two occasionally. The fish never cared.

Many times people have (for some reason) asked me to write a book about my memoirs. I personally probably wouldn't read it and I rarely read anyone else's memoirs.

Also to do that I would have to remember a 75 year memory. I sometimes have a problem with a 75 second memory. :anguished-face:

What was this about again? :thinking-face:

If I put my old mind to it, I could probably come up with 1,000 pages. I do remember some interesting events, many don't even have anything to do with a War or fish.

I just got a fleeting memory. In about December 1971 I went to Australia for R&R from Viet Nam.

This was the first time I left the jungle in 10 months.
I landed in Sydney and had a map of the city. A "map" is like GPS on your phone with a dead battery. In other words you actually had to read all these squiggly lines in different colors.

I had the name of my hotel, which I am sure was not a 5 star hotel. More like piece of a a brittle star hotel, but my room had a door, running water, and electricity, something I had not seen in almost a year.

Anyway, getting to the hotel was a problem and I was totally lost. (Remember, no cell phones or computers then) I was reading the map, probably up side down, and came up to a busy intersection. I tried to cross this busy corner but cars were coming from all directions, there was no traffic light or stop sign so I had no idea how to cross. I lived in NYC all my life so was used to crossing streets.

I stood there for a while trying to remedy the situation when 2 men came up to me. One had his arm around the other.

The one guy said something quick to me that sounded like:
Hey Bloke, Kin, hep the gent, cross, stt. Or something like that. I said WHAT? Australians speak English but very differently than I do. It almost sounds like a version of Japanese and the only work I know in Japanese is Godzilla.

Then after he said it 3 times one of the men left and the other guy took hold of my arm.
Then I realized he was blind and had a cane.

We are standing there a while and he says something like: Whats the matter Bloke? Lets go.

I said, I can't cross the street. He says, Oh, you are American, follow me.

He points the cane upward and steps in the busy street dragging me with my hand over my eyes.
The cars didn't stop, but they went behind us right on the sidewalk and all around us.

At this point, Viet Nam seemed safer.

We made it across the street and the guy thanked me and left.
I stood there studying my map and another older guy came up to me and grabbed my arm.

He was also blind and wanted me to "help him" back across the street.

Now I was where I started from and looked for another blind guy to get me across the street.

I looked up and there was a building in front of me. It was a "Lighthouse" organization for the blind.

You can't make this stuff up.
Paul B

Paul B

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No reason.
Obviously, I like a natural looking tank :D


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Paul B

Paul B

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Having a hard time here. Of course my wife caught the stomach Virus I had and isn't doing very well. We are hosting Easter with the Kids, Grand Kids in laws and all that but I am pretty sure we will have to cancel.

My wife, who is in bad enough shape with MS was puking (and other things) all night and I can't get her up. Shes awake but doesn't have the energy to get out of bed, even with her walker.

There was a time when I could throw her over my shoulder but those days are long gone. Not that she is heavy, she is not, but most of my muscles are no longer up to the task even though some of my parts are titanium.

I was going to try to go walking this morning because I haven't gone in about 5 days but she isn't well enough for me to leave even for a few minutes.
I have been cleaning up "fluids" all morning but this is what marriage is, especially if you married your soul mate. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my wife of 50 years no matter how discuesting. I know she would and has done it all for me before.

When you are newlyweds, it's all easy and fun. But if you are lucky, you will get old and old age has it's "issues" and the weak of heart, stomach and spirit will have a hard time of it.