acanthophyllia help

  1. FishyHotel

    Things Growing on Acanthophyllia skeleton - could it be a sponge?

    Hello everyone, I got a deal on an acanthophyllia and it was looking pretty happy, but after putting it in my main tank it started getting nipped and it turns out there was some damage I hadn’t seen when it was inflated. I have tried to scrape the algae off the skeleton that is exposed on the...
  2. hexcolor reef


    This maybe won’t be an emergency to some but try to understand…. I have done water changes, add UV sterilizer to main tank, dose lemon juice 7ml/60 gal. Pin PH to 8.2-8.4, salinity 1.025. Mag/Calc spot on. And finally got my ALK down to 12 from 14-264. My ACANTHOS coral has been giving me...
  3. hexcolor reef

    Why does my Acantho do this???

    My acantho hardly opens fully any more it just puffs up when lights turn on. About 4hrs it will be puffed up like a donut and then feeders will come out stretch wide and start to miss shape before closing up the rest of the day. I have my light cycle on 12hrs. Low blues in the morning then add...
  4. elryry

    Acantho mesenterial filaments coming from flesh?

    I got this acantho about 3 weeks ago and it has been healthy since and eating well. Last night I noticed it was exposing mesenterial filament through it's flesh. I have seen in some threads that this could be a defense mechanism for them to fight back against other corals? I mostly want to make...
  5. hexcolor reef


    My acanthos coral hasn’t been opening much past few days, after inspection I found orange gel like substance on skeleton of coral. Not sure if it’s eggs or some kind of infection. I scrapped it off with soft toothbrush