
  1. SnubbsDebolt

    RODI in apartment spare bathroom shower

    I’m in an apartment. But I have a spare bathroom. So this install worked out well. 7 stage BRS pro and added booster pump, auto flush, Tunze 8555 RO water controller, HM Digital filter monitor, BRS chloramine monster and 5 micron prefilter. Also have a faucet kit for both the RO with...
  2. R

    29 Gallon Tank in 3rd floor apartment.

    I am building my first tank right now, It is a small tank, only 29 gallons (30"-12"-18" in) I have it sitting on a 58.8lb wooden cabinet. My math says the entire thing will weigh a little over 388lbs. The problem is that I live on the third floor of an apartment complex. The tank will be in the...
  3. mariano

    Build Thread Little reef in an apt Redsea 170

    I never was really interested in corals/ saltwater aquariums until one day, I think it was Feb 2020 I decided to go to my LFS and grab some fish for my roommate's freshwater tank. when I got to the store I saw this two little crabs, emeralds, and fell in love with them, and the next day I told...
  4. C

    Reef City Living problems

    Hello. Just to preface when I was 16 I started my first nano reef and it was an amazing success. However, when I started college I had to get rid of my tank because my dorm would not allow it. Now, I am 22 and I just graduated college and moved to the city for my new job. Yall I have missed my...