
  1. ambuncher

    China wrasse sbd?

    I’ve had my china wrasse for about 3 weeks. He’s been doing great until today, eating mysis and coral frenzy. Noticed earlier today he’s been swimming funny, sometimes almost vertically and his belly seems extremely full. First thought was swim bladder or constipation. 90 gallon tank, 36 gallon...
  2. MacieKnis

    Clownfish with Swim Bladder Disease

    Hi group, After much research and reading I’m 99% convinced my Picasso Clown has Swim Bladder Disease. He was in a tank with parameters of no3 10 po4 0.07 Salinity 1.024 Temp 76.0 F With another Picasso, 6th line Wrasse, YWG, and a CB Shrimp. All others are doing well. however, my clown...