
  1. L

    EMERGENCY Clownfish pair possible brooklynella

    Hello, I need some help in regards to my clownfish pair showing signs of brooklynella. Mucus peeling away from face region, occasional flashing against plastic/rubber parts of tank, frayed/clamped fins. I have a 26 gallon reef with a total of 3 captive bred fishes. Two clownfish and a royal...
  2. C

    Help! Brook or Ich

    ***Sorry in advance for the long read***if you’ve had experience with Ich/Brook…I would love your advice and feedback! Starting a week ago I noticed my black clownfish had what I thought was Ich. Initially I did RODI dip—helped significantly, almost all spots fell off and started treating DT...
  3. JaFish720

    EMERGENCY Looking for brook confirmation

    Ok I brought this black storm clown home on 12/10/22. He’s always had his dorsal fin clamped and in general never seemed as healthy as my other clown. Had white stringy poo and bloating for which did a full prazi pro treatment and metroplex. That worked. Much more active and no more white...
  4. M

    Sick Clownfish.

    I think it's brooklynella, but my local pet store says otherwise, but they don't know. I know brooklynella acts fast, but he's been like this for almost 3 days. He's eating, but not much anymore. He's defecating properly too. My major tells for brooklynella are the gasping and slime coat on the...